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Twinblast is weak against Rampage

This page shows in what ways TwinBlast is weak against Rampage. Or in other words what actions should TwinBlast do to receive minimal damage from Rampage.
Note: any hero isn't always strong or weak against another one. It depends on many different factors so please keep that in mind while adding your tip.
Rampage is the horror of each Twin Blast player, because he can not only jump in your face, but also throw a stone which can stun you, making an escape nearly impossible. Try to always keep a teammate between you and Rampage, if that is not possible try to force him to use his Ultimate. If he is in his Ultimate he is way less mobile and doesn't have a stun, which is pretty good for you. The Redbuff also helps really much, because you can shoot and run at the same time with it (because of the on-hit movespeed bonus).
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