Card Cost:
4 Card Points
Card Slot:
Card is Active:
6 Power
60 Health
[Active]: Removes all debuffs from your hero. (Cooldown: 120s)
How Hunter's Guile works
Does not counter hard Crowd Control like stun or knockup
Hunter's Guile is a good card to counter any kinds of slow, blight (healing reduction), life grant (lifesteal to enemies attacking you) and so on. It will not help you against Stuns since when you are stunned the card is disabled and you simply can't use it. For those cases you can use Divine Shield to mitigate Stuns.
This card is good to mostly counter any incoming Slow since it is the most effective way for your enemy to stick to you. Hunter's Guile directly counters the following Paragon cards and abilities:
- Ash of the Witch
- The Fey's Bramble Patch
- Right Crunch from Crunch
- and similar.
Hunter's Guile is Recommended for
Any Hero who lacks escape abilities. One of the examples is:
Morigesh. She has to get close to her enemy to apply a burst of damage and use her Mark ability. Hunter's Guile gives her chance to escape. See more in Morigesh deck considerations.
What Does Unique Active: Cleanse DO??? if anyone know or when I find out. I'll post below.
Cleanse removes any negative effects from you. It's useless.
Maybe not, what about gadget's bomb?
That doesn't work. Negative effects means slow and stun.
Basically it prevents you from being cced. The best card for ads since you will be focused.
Great for Gideon's slow, walking thru steels wall,