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Hall of Arrows

Ability Type: 

Sparrow rains arrows down at the target location for several seconds, dealing damage to enemies and applying her Relentless stacks.

In normal life I Hate Hail. In Paragon I cant get enough of this attack. Hands down this is the best way to just sit back and drink up the XP. With a crit build (mid game) you can take down a whole wave of minions solo. Stand in front of the wave and just let it hail down on them and just watch the XP come flying at you. Also this is a great way to Push a empty lane with out loosing you minion wave (until you hit the tower)... Good luck! 


PsYcHo962's picture

This is by far your best tool for building passive stacks. Before any engagement, use Hail of Arrows on the enemy hero first to quickly build to full stacks and do maximum damage.

Anonymous's picture