Table of Contents
- Overview
- Abilities Analysis
- Deck Considerations
- Phase Deck #1
- Gameplay
- Heroes Synergy
- Phase Updates
TL;DR on Phase
Phase is a powerful telepath who manipulates energy waves to protect her allies. A well known music aficionado Phase scoured Omeda for talent and discovered Shinbi guiding the singer in her raise to fame.
Focus on building utility items to protect your carry.
Telekinetic link will create a link between you and an ally. If your ally is threatened you can reactivate the ability to pull them to safety. Linked allies benefit from Phase’s extra Health Regen and casting an ability will give you a burst of increased Health Regen which your ally will also benefit from.
Psychic Flare will emit a blast of light around Phase and her linked target that deals damage and blind enemies caught in the area of effect. This powerful blast of light completely whites out an enemy’s vision which can give you an upper hand in battle.
Energy Lance will cause Phase to fire a stream of energy from her hands dealing damage and stacking a Slow on enemies hit. If Phase can keep her laser on her target this Slow will stack and eventually Root her enemy. Energy Lance can be used defensively to protect your carry or offensively to set up plays.
And finally your ultimate is Hyperflux. Phase and her linked target will become overcharged for a short time. While overcharged your and your link will have a short MoveSpeed boost, increased attack speed, Mana Regen and bonus cooldown reduction. Hyperflux is very powerful when paired with your carry. The bonus cooldown reduction and Mana Regen will allow you and your link to cycle through your abilities very quickly. And a move and attack speed boosts will will help you navigate team-fights and shred your enemies.
Phase is all about getting her allies out of bad situations and turning the tide of battle. In team-fights you can easily move your link to whomever needs that most. Attaching your link to an ally with hard engage could create opportunities for you to blind and disorient several enemies.
Know your limits when playing Phase. If you try to dive too deep to save an ally it could result in your death.
Use your telekinetic abilities to protect your allies as Phase.
Lore of Phase
- Not okay with all her powers, but learning to live with them.
- Had a surprisingly happy childhood.
- Discovered Shinbi.
Phase Overview
Phase's Strengths
- Very strong ally protection via re-position, blind and slow
- Good synergy with carries taking advantage from attack speed.
Phase's Weaknesses
- Has very limited tools to save herself
- Helpless against stun.
Phase's Abilities Analysis
This section covers all the details about Phase's abilities. You may skip this section and go straight to the decks or Phase gameplay guide below.
Jump to Phase Decks Explore Phase gameplay guide
Pulse Bolt

A ranged basic attack dealing Basic Damage
Telekinetic Link

Alternate Ability. Applies a Link to targeted Ally for 20 Mana when confirmed. If already Linked, repressing the ability button will pull the Linked Ally to Phase even when not aiming at them for 80 Mana.
While Linked, if Phase activates an ability, both she and her Linked Ally will receive health over a short period of time.
Telekinetic Link is an instant lock-on ability. It's an ultimate anti-gank and anti lock-down tool. If you position yourself appropriately you will be able to get your teammate out from any bad situation. Even from Dekker's Containment Fence (with certain exceptions see below)! Telekinetic Link is exactly what makes Phase unique. Knowing when to use this ability and how to use it is the key. Below are the details for that.
Cooldown and distance. The cooldown is consumed only when you pull the Linked ally which allows Phase to switch between her teammates during a fight whenever she wants. The Link has a distance limit and breaks after your ally crosses that "border". The distance is pretty big though. Slightly bigger than the tower range.
There is a sound effect when Telekinetic Link is about to be broken.
Line-of-sight requirement. When re-activated your ally will be pulled to Phase's position similarly to how Riktor pulls his enemies with his Riplash. You can pull your ally to a ledge as well. The only requirement is the line of sight. There shall no be any obstacles between you and your linked ally to activate the pull or to re-apply a link to another ally. However the link is not broken when there is any geometry between you and your teammate.
An ally can force the link to drop by initiating a recall to base.
HP boost. When an ally is linked Phase's own Health Regen boost is not removed from her. This makes it very beneficial to use cards with Health Regen stats as Telekinetic Link literally doubles the effect. Another comment is about the Health Regen boost. It is applied only if you have an active link.
Stun vs. root. Telekinetic Link behaves differently depending on whether your linked ally is stunned or rooted. Stun is not a problem. The teammate will be pulled in at once. But Root effect is a problem. While your linked ally is rooted they can't be re-positioned and pressing the Telekinetic Link ability button will just not work. There can be an interesting case though:
Special cases.
- When your ally Revenant activates Reckoning your Link to him is dropped and can't be re-applied until the ultimate effect is done. However if your ally is a target of Reckoning then the link is not dropped and you still can pull them.
- When your ally gets into Shadow Plane (e.g. using a River Buff) your Link to him is not dropped but you'd rather do it in order to avoid detection.
- When your ally is executing a channel ability you will not be able to pull them. E.g. Obliterate, Black Hole etc.
- When you are pulling an ally from a Containment Fence you can do that only if you are not on a lower ground in comparison to them.
Video showcase. Here is how you can save lives with Telekinetic Link. Even against Feast of Countess
Psychic Flare

Primary Ability. Phase blasts a flare of energy in an AOE around her and her Linked Ally that does Ability Damage to all Enemies and Blinds them for a short period of time.
Psychic Flare is a cast ability with a short wind up. It applies Blind effect that works like a flash bang. Enemies literally see nothing other than black screen for a short period of time.
Psychic Flare can apply Blind effect and damage only once. I.e. if Phase and her linked ally hit the same target there is no double damage or double Blind. Note that Blind effect is applied all enemies in AoE regardless of their line of sight. Even if your enemy has turned around and Phase is right behind them.
As any debuff Blind can be cleansed by e.g. Purity Censer.
Energy Lance

Secondary Ability. Phase emits a beam of pure energy. The beam does Ability Damage every 0.25s and for each instance of Damage done adds Slow for 0.8 seconds.
Energy Lance is a channel ability. After a considerable wind-up Phase will shoot her laser while still being able to move. Energy Lance goes through targets and has a huge range. It looks a kind of similar to TwinBlast's ultimate Ventilate but instead of pure damage it applies some Ability Damage and Slow.
You need to land 8 shots to make Slow stacks to become Root.
Cancelling. Energy Lance can be cancelled earlier by pressing the ability button again. But there is a short period of time when you can't stop it. This period includes the whole wind-up animation and a couple of beam pulses. You might be willing to cancel the ability if you need to move faster.
Damage. Until Energy Lance is maxed it delivers very little damage. So early on it is more of a battlefield control weapon than damage dealing one. But when Energy Lance is maxed out it can deliver a ton of damage over a short period of time. Its huge radius and ability to go through any amount of enemies (minions or Heroes) make Energy Lance a deadly weapon and not only a Slow/Root ability.
As any channeling ability Energy Lance can be interrupted by your enemies. Any incoming Stun or a Knockup will break the channel.
Using the ability. There are three main options:
- use it offensively to Stun an enemy for focused fire of your teammates. Or at least keep opponents away. E.g. prevent the enemy Off-laner from collecting XP early game.
- use it defensively when you or your ally is being chased. Very effective in narrow places in the map where an enemy can't dodge the beam
- use it for wave clear. Not very effective until the very late game but still an option.
Caution. While channeling her Energy Lance Phase is moving very slowly and can become an easy target for skill-shots. Moreover Phase can't cancel the ability channel on her own. So make sure you are safe enough to execute this channel.
Interaction. Energy Lance is a beam and not a projectile. Yin can't halt it with her Quelling Gale, Dekker's Containment Fence can't block it. However it does not go through geometry (obviously) or through structures. So your opponents can hide from Lance just behind their tower.

Ultimate Ability. Phase overcharges herself and her Linked Ally with energy, giving both Attack Speed, CDR, and Mana Regen for a short period of time.
Upon activating the ability, they will also both receive a decaying Movement Speed boost.
Hyperflux is a cast ability with a quick wind up. It gives two heroes a huge boost of all the important stats which makes your carry to receive an insane DPS spike to to the job. Activate it when you see a commitment from your linked carry or initiator so that it is not wasted.
Hyperflux makes a good synergy with carries benefiting from attack speed boost. One of the most obvious examples is Sparrow. Her ultimate Inner Fire receives a significant DPS boost when Hyperflux is activated.
Another thing about Hyperflux is that it significantly reduces abilities cooldown. Obviously it includes ultimates so Phase can keep high impact abilities to be always ready-to-go.
Phase's Deck Considerations
Since Phase fulfills the primary support role she benefits from increased suitability and Regen cards.
- Health Regen is beneficial because Phase can share this stat with a linked ally via Telekinetic Link
- Health and Armor is needed to stay alive longer and therefore provide support longer.
- A ward card is a must have from early game to help your carry prevent ganks.
Core Cards for Phase
Quenching Scales - Phase is a support. No comments. A must have item.
Barrier of Will - same as above.
Tele-Blink - since Phase has very limited escape this card will be a good mitigation. It can also be helpful for initiation when Phase blinks forward and pulls an ally to herself.
Cast Converter - good option if you want to go healing deck build.
Phase Deck Build #1
Gameplay with Phase
Early Game
Early game is pretty standard as for any support. Phase has to support her carry to get CPs as fast as possible. Keep in mind that during early game Phase is not as good in making plays for her carry as in keeping them alive. She does not have reliable lock down abilities like Narbash with his Thunk or Dekker with her Stasis Bomb. Grab a ward, make a link your carry and let them do their job as effective as possible.
Telekinetic link is your tool during the early game so get it first. Not only it will provide your carry with additional Health Regen but also will counter any Stun in case your carry gets into trouble. For this reason you'd rather be behind your teammate so that you can instantly pull him into a safe location and follow up with Energy Lance to any enemy trying to chase.
Mid Game
When you have your ultimate you now can make plays. Timing is very important here. As well as knowing whom to link and overcharge. Keep in mind that opponents see who is your link so you might want to have your carry linked until the very last second when your initiator starts a fight. Try to combo your Energy Lance with any Stun to prolong the lock down on your enemy and make sure you get your Psychic Flare ready when your teammate jumps into a fight with multiple enemies.
Late Game
Have your carry linked 24/7. Always keep some distance b/w you and them so that you can always pull them to safety. If your link is being ganked do Psychic Flare first and then pull with Telekinetic link so that your enemies are completely disoriented and their target is lost.
Tips and Tricks with Phase
- You can pull your ally onto a ledge. Use this to prevent any possibility for your allies to be chased.
- When your linked ally is ambushed use your Psychic Flare instantly to disorient enemies.
- Always keep some distance between you and your linked ally. This way you will have more chance to pull them to safety.
- When using Energy Lance position yourself to hit multiple enemies. The ability goes through any targets.
- Always watch out for audio cues of enemy ultimates. This way you will be able to pull your ally a moment before the ultimate lands. This is working very well against Steel's Shield Slam or let's say Colossal Blow of Sevarog
Heroes Synergy
Phase makes vary good combos with heroes that have good burst damage from basic attacks but lacks mobility. At the same time she lacks mobility herself and therefore can be locked down and eliminated easily. See a separate page for all Phase counters and synergies.
Phase Updates
v41.0 (Jun-27 2017)
- Cast range decreased (1900 → 1800)
- Tether range decreased (2500 → 2200)
- Total health regen decreased (60/90/120/150 → 48/72/96/120)
- Health regen duration increased (2s → 4s)
- Blind duration decreased (1.5/2/2.5/3s → 1.25/1.5/1.75/2s)
v40.0 (May-16 2017)
Phase released.
Quenching does work well with circlet of mana. I think her sustain is enough with just quenching and would recommend circlet of health. Also can't add barrier to barrier of will sad enough, can only add guard
Sorry for double post. Also correction quenching doesn't work well with circlet of mana
@Lucifer is good, thanks for your feedback. The decks are to be revised this coming week. If you have a good one then link it.
Personally I really don't get it why recommend so many gems into intelligence when the card build you suggest mainly consist of vitality cards. Care to explain?
@xKeiro, sure. Because of the gems themselves. It is true that you need Vitality to equip cards and you need Intellect to keep up with mana drain.
Of course you can go your own way. Decks in Paragon are very flexible. What Gems you think are better for Phase and why?
Well I just returned to the game, never really got into it before, but finally I feel like it's in a state where I can finally enjoy it, so keep in mind my experiencie pretty much comes from 1 day of playing, but from the games I played I noticed that I NEVER been able to reach the lvl 19 int rune, so I felt like having that was just a waste of slot (not sure if I have every rune so please keep that in mind) but personally I replaced that with a lvl 13 vit rune "Damage Return" (Was thinking about shredding strikes, but noticed as the game progresses you have less and less oppurtinity to auto attack) because you are pretty tanky with all that vit stat so at least you deal some damage back if they jump on you.
Also noticed that having 7 int ususally enough if you don't just spam your abilities all the time and use your ult when you low on mana (but pretty much running to another lane you get back almost all your mana already) so I'm thinking about replacing the lvl 13 int rune as well and adding an extra to vit, but not 100% sure about this one yet, because I know that having the lvl 13 int rune enables you to just spam everything, but yeah that may be an overkill. If I were to replace the rune though I would bring Reflexive Purify (lvl 19 vit) just to be able to run away from dangerous situations.
@xKeiro, And it makes sense as well. There is no one perfect deck for a Hero. Later on when things and balance changes settle down the decks will be updated and more different ways and options will be added to them.