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Paragon Patch Notes 33.0
Here is a short description of what is going to be changed with rolling out the .33.0 patch for Paragon MOBA. See previous release notes here.
- Tutorial mode for newcomers.
- Skins
- Alacrity duration updated
- Tainted Magick poison stack mechanics updated
- Black Hole no longer negates knockback/knockup abilities.
- Interactive Tutorial added as a playlist option.
- Fixed an issue which could cause invisible collision near the Red Buff Shadow Pad.
- Fixed an issue where minions could move without playing a stun animation.
- Fixed an issue where players were able to jump into red lane from the jungle without an ability.
- Bot behaviour towards enemies in the shadow plane has been improved.
- Fixed an issue with bot position while attacking lane goals.
- Fixed an issue where GRIM.exe Bot could become stuck during G.T.F.O animation.
- Killing Spree and Unstoppable Killstreak Announcer VO should now play correctly.
- Card activation sounds can now be heard by teammates and enemies.
- Volume of card activation sounds increased.
- Weekly Card Pack
Scarab Claws
Tainted Magick
- Tainted Magick
- Damage application changed due to associated bug
- Now only applies 1 stack of poison.
- Damage increased to the equivalent of 3 stacks. 6 + (1.5 x Player level)
- Damage application changed due to associated bug
- New Feature: Auto Open Card Shop
- The card shop is now set to automatically open when you return to base if you have card power to spend. (Toggle on and off within shop page)
- Tooltips clarity improved for:
- Portal Stone cost reduced from 7 to 5.
- Empyrean Mask will no longer be turned off if a player is stunned.
- New audio added to store.
- Updated ability level up indicator.
- Added options to surrender survey
- “Teammate Disconnected”
- “Teammate joined late”
- Added an “Exit Shop” button to the card shop below “Undo”
- Changed “Team Comm” to “Team Comm/Emotes”
- Adjusted mouse wheel scrolling through tiled lists.
- Fix for Grux being offset in lobby.
- Minion health bars should no longer appear to change slowly.
- Fixed weekly quest text from take down 350 minions to 400 to match intended number.
- Fixed weekly quest text from take down 250 heroes changed to 100 to match progress bar.
- Fixed the bug where “Reveal All” button persists after opening a card pack.
- Clicking support option in another language will open correct call center URL according to that language.
- Polish & Bug Fixing
- Fixed an issue which caused Dekker’s Energy Orb to sometimes bounce incorrectly when colliding with Iggy’s Oil Slick.
- Fixed issues with spawn-in animation.
Feng Mao
- Polish & Bug Fixing
- Fixed interactions with Feng Mao’s Ultimate Earth Shatter which could cause him to get stuck mid-air.
- No updates
- Undertow Gideon added to in-game store.
- Polish/Bug Fixing
- Burden’s tooltip now displays the correct damage value.
- Black Hole no longer negates knockback/knockup abilities.
- Polish/Bug Fixing
- Fixed an issue which could cause Make Way to remain active.
- Polish & Bug Fixing
- Fixed an issue which allowed GRIM.exe to sometimes use G.T.F.O. while falling.
- Polish & Bug Fixing
- Visual polish to Shadow Walk.
- Sun Tiger Khaimera added to in-game store.
- Polish & Bug Fixing
- HUD Icon added for when Spirit Regeneration is active.
Lt. Belica
- Polish & Bug Fixing
- Enemy players affected by Void Drone’s mana drain now have a HUD element to display the status.
- Alacrity
- Duration of shield is now always two seconds regardless of how the ability is applied.
- Crash Bang Boom!
- AoE slow effect now persists for the full duration of the ability.
- Polish & Bug Fixing
- Fixed an issue with Pounce which could sometimes cause it to travel farther than intended.
- Audio added to recall.
- Jump Chains emote added to in-game store.
- Polish/Bug Fixing
- Taunts now have audio.
- No updates
- No updates
- Polish & Bug Fixing
- Fixed an issue where Steel’s Ultimate Shield Slam caused no damage to towers.
- Steel will now always play a vocal effort during his ultimate.
- Shield Block’s tooltip now has the correct mana cost.
The Fey
- Opaline Fey added to in-game store.
- No updates