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Paragon Patch Notes 28.1

George's picture
  1. Greystone Released!
  2. CARDS
    1. Weekly Card Pack
      - Thorned Greenweave (Community Pick)
      - Crucial Snare
      - Minor Strike
  3. AGORA
    1. Jungle Minions
      - ​Fixed a bug where red buff damage was scaling with minion level.
      - Players should no longer be able to kite jungle minions away from camp zones.
  4. HUD & UI
    1. Changed “Daily Reward” mentions to “Victory Chest.”
    2. Changed Steel’s Mobility rating to 6.
    3. Updated Hero tooltips to correctly reference “Casters” instead of “Mage.”
    4. Updated the next reward for level 13 to reflect correct card (Necroveil).
  5. AUDIO
    1. Fixed a bug where some sound clips would still play when audio sliders was set to zero.
  6. Greystone
    1. Dragonlord Greystone available in store.
  7. GRIM.exe
    1. Deflector Shield
      - Fixed a bug where Deflector Shield would not return mana like intended.
      - Fixed a bug where Deflector Shield was blocking basic attacks.
  8. Khaimera
    1. Polish & Bug Fixing
      ​- Fixed a graphical issue in his death animation.
    1. Tooltips should now close correctly when clicking on cards.
    2. Fixed a bug that prevented players from using their deck’s Prime Card.
    3. Players should only be able to select decks while in base.
    4. Fix for health bar always showing up overhead.
    5. Fixed a bug where “Hold CTRL to upgrade” prompt would remain on screen after upgrading.
    6. Fixed a bug where images were overlapping marketplace items.
    7. Fix for low frame rate in draft lobby while hovering over Hero portraits.
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