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Iggy & Scorch abilities datamined

George's picture

The latest Paragon build appears to have some information about the next coming Hero Iggy & Scorch. Note that this is not confirmed info datamined from the Paragon packed game files. It may change upon releasing Iggy & Scorch. So let's look on abilities list:

  • Ignite (Passive)
    Scorch can apply an Oil effect to enemies that causes Iggy's Fire to apply Burn.

  • Basic Attack
    Deals Energy Damage and leaves a pool of fire on the ground where it lands that applies Burn. Leveling the ability makes the ground fires last longer

  • Oil Trap
    Scorch spits out an oil blob that applies Oil and deals {x} Energy Damage and applies Burn when ignited by Fire.

  • Oil Trail
    Scorch gains movement speed and leaves a trail behind him that applies Oil. The trail can be ignited with Fire to apply Burn.

  • Flame Turret
    Iggy throws out a turret that deals Energy damage to nearby enemies and applies Burn. Turrets prioritize enemy Heroes.

  • Flamethrower (Ultimate)
    Scorch spews flames from its mouth dealing Energy Damage and applying Burn. At the end of the duration Scorch belches and enemies in the cone are Knocked back.

Sound fun, don't you think?

@George, sounds awesome bro! Thanks for the info never heard of her until now! Keep up the good work I really appreciate it!

SmokeyJay :)

Iggy & Scorch Announce Trailer - Available April 21

George's picture


Flame Turret!!!! yes! This is my new hero 100%. Lane control and slow push. Just like LOL Heimerdinger... Here's hoping 3 turret set up. Cant wait.  

Feenyx's picture

Definitely seems strong. Seems a lot like Gadget, but it burns things.

Anonymous's picture