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Heroes Community Search For

Hi folks, George here. Google shares a lot of interesting stats regarding Paragon MOBA and what community is googling for. Obviously players are looking for the build guides and I decided to brake this statistics down by Hero and compare them.
The result revealed some interesting data.

- Among the three released heroes for the past 2 months Khaimera is definitely the most wanted hero. Nearly every 3rd search request on the week of reveal was about him (why I always want to say "her"?).
- Riktor and mr. Dragonlord are close in popularity during their 1st week on the battlefield of Agora but aren't even close to the Jungle Beast. And I have no idea why. Maybe players just play them not even bothering to look for a good guide.
- Another surprise is made by Kallari. She sits in top 3 for weeks and that is all despite tons of complaints that she is not a playable hero. At least this statistics is not backed up with Kallari's pick rate.
- On the opposite side we have Gadget being constantly a hero of the least interest.
- And the last thing I noted - Iggy has got a lot of attention for the past week and I'm looking forward to see what's going to happen on this week.
Note. These graphs does not state any hero is good or bad. They show what Paragon community is searching for through Google.
You are welcome with your comments and questions in comments below. I'm going to keep watching this statistics and sharing how Fey is going to perform.