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PSA on Character Auto attack Scaleing.

Iv been playing a Fair amount of Rampage recently and was getting frustrated with how little damage I was doing despite have a great many Strike and Greater Cards equipped. I started looking into this and discovered that each hero's Auto attack, (R2/ LMB) scales differently with Damage cards ( Strike/ Cast).
I was unable to find this information in game anywhere, but it was in the Data Epic Provided.
So this is my PSA to the general public attempting to show which characters can actually be ADC characters and which simply cant because of the games systems.
Hero Name - Auto attack Scaling %, Damage from a 3 point Strike/cast card 22.7 Base Damage.
Energy Damage (Cast Cards):
Dekker - 37.5%, 8.51
Gadget - 37.5%, 8.51
Gideon - 37.5%, 8.51
Howitzer - 37.5%, 8.51
Murdock - 100%, 125%, 150%, 22.7, 28.36, 34.05
Muriel - 37.5%, 8.51
Physical Damage (Strike Cards):
Feng Mao - 100%, 115%, 130%, 22.7, 26.10, 29.51
Grux - 77%, 88%, 100% , 17.48, 19.98, 22.7
Kallari - 23.6%, 51.2%, 78.8%, 5.36, 11.62, 17.89
Rampage - 36.5%, 8.29
Sparrow - 100%, 125%, 150%, 22.7, 28.36, 34.05
Steel - 44%, 9.99
Twin Blast - 66.7%, 83.4%, 100%, 15.14, 18.93, 22.7
So there you have it. Casters are less surprising, But Rampage having less Damage Scaling then supports...
Well Now you know.
Wow thanks for the analysis. Seemed surprising at the 1st look but on the second it may be predictable. Rampage isn't someone to deal but rather someone to absorb it. Don't you agree?