Abilities Build

- High cc
- Good Damage
- Built in Tanky
- Infinite Health
- Easy engage/Disengage
- Stack Reliant
- Cant 1v1
- Needs very good positioning
Abilities Overview
Passive: Soul Tap
Sevarog gains soul stacks that gives him Max Health when he kills an enemy with Siphon. Sevarog grows in power at 20/40/60/80 stacks. Every time Sevarog grows, his character model changes.
Q: Siphon
Sevarog targets the area in front of him and causes physical damage to all enemies in the targeted area. Sevarog gains Soul Stacks when he gets a kill using this ability. Siphon gains a damage bonus each time Sevarog grows from collecting souls.
E: Subjugate
Sevarog targets a circle on the ground and calls down a burst of dark energy that does physical damage and applies a Root to any enemies hit.
RMB: Phantom Rush
Sevarog rushes forward with a short-distance dash, gliding through any enemies in his path.
LMB: Hammer
Sevarog swings his hammer causing Physical Damage.
Sevarog gives one mighty swing of his hammer and deals Physical Damage and Knock Back to enemy heroes. Enemy minions will be instantly killed. Sevarog deals extra bonus damage each time he grows from collecting souls.
Abilities upgrade priority
Clearly you always priorities your ult first but next comes you Q so you can stack fast and do more damage. Next is your CC ability than your engage to help with ganking lanes.
NEVER UPGRADE YOUR LMB its for adcs not tanks.
Abilities Combos/Ganking
If you cant get the drop on them you go R first to hit them back towards your allies than cc them with you E , next you damage with you Q and save your RMB to get away safely.
Early Game
Early on its all about stacking your Q. Unless you see pings for help don't gank till atleast 40 stacks. If possible try and get a leash at the red buff to have a better clearing speed. Always last hit with your Q (Exact numbers to come)
Jungle Path
This is the path you should use when you get a good leash from bot lane during this time you should also get the harvester in your jungle (they unlock at 2 minutes in) (Exact numbers while be put in soon)
As Sevarog in a teamfight u have one job and one job only. To be the biggest D**k to the enemy team so they focus you. You do this by using you RMB to get right next to their ADC than using your R to beat them back to their base. Follow this up with you E cc on the APC and lastly Q and Auto attack for days.
Card Build
This card build focus around making you as tanky as possible. To this end i focused mainly on health and armor.
The Items
This item is essential as it allows for easy harvester taking (Meaning more card power all around) and also easier jungle clearing as well. SInce you can only upgrade it with health u have to do the 3 Greater Health upgrades.
This item is also essential as since your the jungle it is your job to ward along with the support. With this you have two choices to upgrade. First is 3 Greater Health upgrades to be more tanky, but if you know you can get 100 stacks you can go with 3 Advanced Chrono instead to hammer your Q more but watch your mana so as to not go oom.
This is a 3 cost card power item that gives you the stats of 4 card power when fully upgraded. This is also the best Energy Armor item in the game right now. Upgrade with 3 Lesser Health. This is so as to get the fully upgraded bonus fast.
This is a 3 cost card power item that gives you the stats of 4 card power when fully upgraded. This is also the best Physical Armor item in the game right now. Upgrade with 3 Lesser Health. This is so as to get the fully upgraded bonus fast. This can be swapped if desired with an Stonetooth Heart. But to do so you also need to swap a Greater Health from your Lord's Ward with a health upgrade.
This time upgrade it with 3 Greater Barrier. This is because as a tank you need Energy Armor to keep from being bursted and it has been my experience that as of right now you'll encounter more problems with energy Damage dealers than Physical Damage dealers, thus why you should get it before Physical Armor.
This should be upgraded with 3 Greater Guard.
What It Gives You:
Health: 6190 (80 Stacks)
Energy Armor: 355.2
Physical Armor: 355.2
Cooldown Reduction: 7.5
Mana: 75
You prevent 59.68% of both Physical and Energy Damage done to you before penetration items.
Q: Why build sevarog Tank not damage?
A: His AD Scaling it absolutely terrible.
Plz post any question uyou have about my guide or sevarog and i'll not only get back to you with an answer but will also update my guide to show the information. Also if you liked the guide please uprate it to help other see it.
Prime Card -_-
If any of my guides get to 5 upvotes i'll put in a vs section on who hes good against
In my opinion this build would never work as an offensive tank . Yeah if you want to just harass the enemy team and rarely die but get no kills and take forever to clear minion waves then use it. Enemies will ignore you after a while and focus on your teams ADC's. It's a pointless play style and you end up not even doing much for your team . Stack damage and attack speed with health bonuses as the first two cards. Then go either phys armour or energy depending on the other team. Then you have a choice more damage and health or start building crits and lifesteal to make you a god . I've done 10-0 16-0 many times using a more offensive but health bonus + build . You can destroy squishes and have enough health and armour to stay in the fight long enough to prioritise the enemy squishies.