Abilities Build

Well Rounded Steel, can be built for Offense or Defense and Lane or Jungle
Abilities Overview
Unlike other characters, leave Steels mobile shield with no upgrades. His charge and energy shield are enough defense.
Abilities upgrade priority
Q, E, R, LMB
Abilities Combos
ALWAYS utilize the special/charge combo whether it be charge in then special or special than charge.
This leads to massive damage, and can easily take out enemies caught solo if they aren't tanks.
Early Game
Pay attention to the game, I usually go with physical first as early on steel won't be target to many attacks and defense doesn't need to be built up
Although on occasion you may want to go with Health/Damage first (this happens when steel gets left to lane alone, or your team is already being taken out. Use "First Pick B" to prevent against death balls as well)
Mid Game
After your first item (A or B) pick up the other first item (A or B, whatever you didn't pick as your first)
If you went Muta gem and all physical pick up the Amulet to get some health and Vice Versa as the next card is going to be a grind and you'll be out collecting points for a while, this is where the potions come in handy.
As for upgrades on the Amulet you can go 2 health and 1 damage or 1 Health and 2 Damage depending on the flow of the game.
Late Game
Honor of Pure is amazing for steel, throwing in 2 celestial healths will make you nearly indestructible late Game.
If you still feel you could use more health you can go with a Greater Health as the third upgrade, but personally I use a perfect mana which gives you enough mana to last the rest of the game.
And again after the 3rd pick you should judge based on the game flow what you want for the last item. You can choose to go Damage or Protection but make sure one of the attributes is health, so Physical Damage/ Health if your team is making the push and have the lead and go Energy Protection or Physical Protection with Health if you're getting pushed or are behind (choose energy or physical based on the enemy team)
Card Build
You're upgrades are really dependant on what your team and the other team is doing, if you're stuck lane get health and wait for the deathball.
If you're jungling go damage first.
If your team is doing well early on and you feel like health isn't a big concern your first Pick should be damage. If your team is getting wrecked early, go health etc.
You do not need to specifically put Muta or Honor the Pure, those are just my best cards for the attributes I use.
Although the celestial healths are a must, 2 minimum.
I have updated your top image. It was put incorrectly (page instead of exact image link).
Looks good to cover 2 possible ways to play the Big Guy. Any more tips on playing Steel based on the game phase covering not only cards pick but also games objectives and team fights?
??? Two of your cards have four upgrades. Also, why Harvester's Key and why Honor of the Pure? Harvester's Key seems bad if you're laning compared to a second Health Potion and Honor of the Pure also seems bad compared to cards with better passive abilities.
@Feenyx the 4 are there as options you can do 2 health and 1 physical or 2 physical and 1 Health depending on your team and how the game is being played
I have been left alone plenty of times as steel and it's nice to have options
Honor the Pure has a nice active that can be used while tanking towers and if you get teamed up on. It also has Health and Mana which where I say to pick it up comes in key as you always should be combo-ing with steel which kills your mana if you don't have large stock or regeneration
@Feenyx as for the key, I always seems to have people on my team who do not plant, hes great to get the first 2-4 harvesters up. Ditch it after that.
You do not need 2 health potions with this build.
@George, it's hard to say as communication in this game so far is very minimal (Atleast when I play)
The reason I had all the options is because depending on game play you'll have to play him differently.
Although I can say, the energy wall is great for team fights and always use your charge BEHIND an enemy the last thing you want is knocking him away from the rest of your team. The Charge then special combo is seconded to none.
do you know how much sheild, honor the pure gives you, for how long and for what range?
@Bookerdalooker (not verified), That's a new addition to Honor the Pure card in one of the recent patches. They haven't released that statistics for the card updates so we are going to have to be patient sadly :(. I'll post the info. here one I find out if ya like.
SmokeyJay :)