Abilities Build

TwinBlast - The most defensive Ranger
TwinBlast is the only Ranger that has an Escape Skill, that makes him very versatile in either chasing or running away. Overall try to keep your to escape fishy situations.
Working on a new Guide which seems to work better in early game. Will release it as soon as I have tested it enough and can have multiple card builds.
Summary (TLDR)
- Good Damageoutput
- Good Escape
- Not dependant on his Ultimate
Abilities Overview
-> Gives you Attackspeed, no need to explain.
-> Your worst Ability, doesn't deal significant Damage. Use it as a slow, don't even try to use it for farming.
-> Decent Damageoutput, slight AoE. Overall okay. Only downside: You can't use while having it active.
-> Your Bread and Butter, no need to explain.
-> This is what makes you different than any other Ranger. You can run away from bad Situations or escape ganks.
Abilities upgrade priority
Early Game
Farm and try to participate in Kills. Also getting an early Redbuff can help.
Mid Game
You are starting to deal damage, try to stay within Teamfights and get them Points
Late Game
Now you are the Damage that will win your Team the game, you deal tons of damage with very high attack speed.
Card Build
Damage > Crit enhance > Crit Chance > Attack Speed > Utility (like health)
Overall your starts with a bad Scaling, so it isn't important to get damage early on.
I was wrong, Damage first gives you tons a really big advantage in the early game. Your Attackspeed makes up for the loss of Scaling.
About Me
I'm a 23 year old Student, living in Austria.
I have played every moba that was invented in the last 10 years and got some experience that way.
Frequent questions that may appear while playing this build and your answers
@Deevo, hey there. Nice quick and dirty guide. I have a question though. Why you prefer upgrading Nade on level 10 instead of Ult? Seems not aligned with the Abilities upgrade priority outlined.
@George, I made a Mistake :D
@Deevo, Great guide bro! I build my TB -(Damage x2/Crit x2/Lifesteal x1/Attack Speed x1)
Late game TB is a pain in the ass to kill with his ability to escape. Keep up the good work though, he's a great hero and shouldn't be over looked.
SmokeyJay :)
The guide was just promoted to the front page to receive more attention and get feedback fro the community.
@Deevo, Good guide, although I would suggest cleaning up your card build particularly your starting items and your first item.
@Asian_Salvation, I cleaned up the starting Item section :)