Welcome to the TwinBlast One-Stop Build guide. It is going to be constantly updated with new information, builds, tips, etc as time goes on. Lastly, this is a community-driven build guide so you are encouraged to edit it (keeping in mind pre-moderation). Any comments, build suggestions, criticisms, and any ideas that you think could help make this in depth guide even better will be greatly appreciated. GL HF!
Note: This is a In Depth guide meaning there will be a lot of information and a lot of reading. Feel free to skip around to a section that interest you.
What's New
- Added/updated 3 new card builds
Green text highlights key notes
Yellow text highlights numbers
- An Overview
- Abilities and leveling up
- Card Builds
- Ability Combo's
- Early, mid, late, game
- Various card builds (in progress, still testing)
- Jungling
- Laning
- Ganking
Below is quick video to get a glimpse at TwinBlast
TwinBlast is an agile ranger who trades in a weak early game for a strong late game. TwinBlast has a lot of utility for a ranger and can deal tons of damage late game. With a solid team, TwinBlast can excel in teamfights and dominate the enemy team. His high mobility and utility on grenade allow him to get out certain situations and has a lot of attack speed. As for builds take flat attack damage and attack speed and finish up with either critical strike chance, life steal, or health and resistance depending on how the game game is turning out.
TwinBlast's Abilities
On A Roll ~ TwinBlast has increased default attack Speed.
- Pretty straight foward. TwinBlast naturally has more attack speed that other hero's.
- Allows TwinBlast to trade an attack speed item in favor of a damage/crit chance card.
Doubleshot ~ Ranged basic attack dealing 33/62/96 base Physical Damage.
- Your main source of damage as TwinBlast is a Physical Carry.
- Items stack damage onto your base damage (ex 33+22=55 damage per shot)
Mana Cost [ 46 / 48 / 50 / 52 / 54 ]
Cooldown [ 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 ]
Rocket Dash ~ TwinBlast dives in the direction he is moving.
- Useful for escaping
- Can catch people in travel mode
- Can juke / pull off plays
- Mana Cost [ 50 / 52 / 54 ]
- Cooldown [ 17 / 15.5 / 14 ]
Nitro ~ TwinBlast boots his Passive Attack Speed by an additional 5/10/15/20/25 for 5 seconds.
- The bread and butter of TwinBlast, use this to clear minions faster or increase your DPS.
- Mana Cost [ 46 / 48 / 50/ 52 / 54 ]
- Cooldown [ 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 ]
Grenade! ~ Grenade that deals Physical Damage and slows enemies
- Use this to begin your all-in combo.
- Allows you to catch up to fleeing enemies.
- Helps you escape from melee hero's (fire at the ground in front of you)
- Mana Cost [ 50 / 52 / 54 / 56 / 58 ]
- Cooldown [ 17 / 15.5 / 14 / 12.5 / 11 ]
Barrage ~ Rocket Salvo that pierces through minions and deals [ 158 / 203 / 248 ] Base Physical Damage per shot in the area they hit.
- What TwinBlast is known for, TONS OF DAMAGE!
- Watch your positioning as you are slowed while casting this ability
- Barrage can be interupted by crowd control
- Mana Cost [ 158 / 203 / 248 ]
- Cooldown [ 100 / 90 / 80 ]
Leveling up TwinBlast's Abilities
TwinBlast does not have much diversity in his Abilities Build. The below build is the most common one.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | |
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When the game starts you want to put your first point into dash . The reason for this is because you do very little damage early game and if their is a jungle invade or early team fight, your dash will allow you to reposition, escape, or catch up to someone running away. After you put your first point into your dash, you want to max out your attack speed ability as this is the ability you are going to be using most often. Put upgrade points into your ultimate and your auto attack whenever possible. Lastly finish up with second point into your dash for the reduced cool down and put the rest of your points towards your grenade for utility or continue upgrading your Rocket Dash to have better escape / engage.
It is very rare when you need to sacrifice your attack speed or reposition for the sake of Grenade.
Card Builds for TwinBlast
Standard Attack Speed and CritBlast
Standard build. Destroy them all.
1. 3CP (1x Health Potion, 1x Mana Potion, 1x Harvester Key
2. 12CP Windcarver Blade (2x Major Strike + 1x Major Kinetic)
3. 12CP Blade of Agora (3x Major Strike)
4. 11CP Spear of the Rifthunter (2x Major Wound + 1x Wound)
5. 14CP Windcarver Blade (2x Vicious Kinetic + 1x Major Strike)
6. 8CP Spear of the Rifthunter (1x Major Wound + 1x Wound)
Life-Steal TwinBlast
Solo Orb Prime. GG
1. 3CP (1x Health Potion, 1x Mana Potion, 1x Harvester Key
2. 12CP Windcarver Blade (2x Major Strike + 1x Major Kinetic)
3. 12CP Blade of Agora (3x Major Strike)
4. 10CP Spear of the Rifthunter (1x Major Wound + 2x Wound)
5. 14CP Windcarver Blade (2x Vicious Kinetic + 1x Major Strike)
6. 9CP Bloodrite Brand (2x Greater Drain)
Teamfight TwinBlast
Kill their tanks. Then kill their team
1. 3CP (1x Health Potion, 1x Mana Potion, 1x Harvester Key
2. 12CP Windcarver Blade (2x Major Strike + 1x Major Kinetic)
3. 12CP Blade of Agora (3x Major Strike)
4. 10CP Spear of the Rifthunter (3x Wound)
5. 12CP Rust-Breaker (2x Major Strike + 1x Major Pierce)
6. 12 CP Tempered Plate (2x Greater Guard + 1x Greater Health)
Ability Combos
More combos coming soon!
Your standard combo will be your all-in combo. Be careful when using this combo as this requires your dash so you won't be able to escape. Start off by using travel mode/walking towards the enemy hero. When you get close enough fire your grenade in the direction that they are running towards (most often behind them). Next use your dash to get in close, activate your attack speed ability then unleash your ultimate on them. This works best when they are at about 70% HP or less. Below is a video demonstrating the combo in action.
Early Game (0-20min)
- Stick to farming
- Only engage if necessary
- Use your grenade to slow the enemy down for your jungler
- Ward your lane
- You can poke at tower pretty good, just watch your position
Mid Game (20-40min)
- You should be able to deal a moderate amount of DPS at this point
- Take jungle camps if your lane is pushed to the enemy tower
- Look for opportunites to gank mid lane
- You can help out in teamfights with enough support
Late Game (40min+)
- Stay behind your team or poke at the enemy prior to the team fight
- Timing your ult correctly can decide the outcome of the fight
- Be vigilant on what hero's are alive and their position
- Prioritze their carries if possible
- Use your grenade and rocket dash to get away or reposistion
Here is a video showing the importance of positioning TwinBlast. Notice how I rocket dash past Steel's wall to catch him and my team follows up. I enter travel mode to gain some distance. After, I position myself at higher ground to avoid Howitzer's ult and I continue to poke down the enemy team.
- Clear white camps if your lane is pushed to the enemy tower
- Take red buff if your jungler no longer needs it
- Ward the enemy jungle when possible
- Check for enemy red or blue buff
- Most of the time your lane will be pushed back to your tower
- Try to farm as best as possible
- Ask for ganks
- Make sure you ping to let your teammate know when your coming
- Use grenade to help slow the enemy down
Frequent questions that may appear while playing this build and your answers
Q: Can I build differently?
A: Yes you can, just make sure to build at least some form of flat damage and attack speed. You can then add crit chance, life steal, armor penetration , or resistance cards to your liking. -
Q: Can I play mid as TwinBlast?
A: He is a viable pick as mid, although not recommended because their will be no energy hero on your team.
Images for the TwinBlast are updated along with the descriptions. Since alpha there are lots of changes for this guy especially.
@George, Thank you for updating the icons and descriptions