Abilities Build

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Pros & Cons
+ Great Damage late game
+ High Attack Speed
+ Mobility for Chase & Escape
- Low Damage very early
- Needs good positioning / good frontline (teammates)
- Bad at wave clearing very early
Your basic attack. Weak early game, should be strong late game. Your main damage output late game, so use it!
Tips & Tricks: For better damage lategame always use Doubleshot, because Barrage can't crit!
An attack speed buff. Useful in nearly every situation. Use it as often as possible in fights to increase your DPS!
Tips & Tricks: Use it before Barrage to deal more damage!
A delayed AOE damage & slow. Useful for clearing and fights. Don't hesitate using it, slowing enemies is always good!
Tips & Tricks: You can use Grenade! to engage. Throw it, instantly use Nitro and Barrage or late game use Doubleshot instead. Then it's gonna explode, slow the enemy and you can land even more hits!
Rocket Dash
A short jump/dash. Use it to get closer or farther away to enemies or to escape heavy crowd control and heavy damage. Useful for Chasing, Kiting & Escaping!
Tips & Tricks: You can leap over the gap between the middle of the lane and your/the enemy towers if you combine Rocket Dash with a normal jump!
Your ultimate ability. Deals a lot of damage early, but won't be really good late game. Remember, you got the same range with Barrage and Doubleshot!
Tips & Tricks: Barrage can't crit! For kills use Barrage early game, but late game always use Doubleshot! You can use Barrage for clearing big minion waves late game instead.
Ability Combos
Early Game Kills
Tips & Tricks: Timing is key for early game kills! Gank with good timing and your team will be able to secure one, two or three kills!
Late Game Kills
Tips & Tricks: Make sure not to use Barrage for kills late game! It deals less damage because it can't crit and will only make you move slower!
Rocket Dash to get farther away
Grenade! to slow chasing enemies (Optional)
Tips & Tricks: Positioning is key to survive normal duels and teamfights! Always make sure you arent in a bad position and have the possibility to fall back!
Ability Upgrading
- Doubleshot is your main damage output late game! Focus on upgrading it!
- Barrage is your main damage output early game! Focus on it early, but upgrade Doubleshot or Nitro or Grenade! late game instead!
- Nitro benefits both main damage outputs, Barrage (early) and Doubleshot (late), so upgrade it!
- Grenade! is useful for wave clearing and slowing enemies so you can land more attacks!
- Rocket Dash is quite useful, but upgrading it only reduces cooldown and increases mana cost, so only put more than one point in it if you really need to have your escape up more often!
Early Game ("Farming Phase")
- Early game is all about farming with TB!
- Stay as long as possible in your lane!
- Try to last hit as many minions as possible!
- Don't push too much to avoid enemy ganks!
Mid Game ("Pushing & Ganking Phase")
- Mid game starts when you get your Ult!
- You can do ganks with Barrage (Use with Nitro!) and try for kills for you or your teammates!
- When ganking always try not to get into a bad position!
- Now you can try to split push your lane!
- If you get ganked and you react fast you can turn it into a kill! But don't risk too much!
Late Game ("Wrecking Phase")
- You should deal a ton of damage with Doubleshot late game!
- Make sure not to get in a bad position!
- Stay behind your frontline if possible!
- If dueling use your Rocket Dash to avoid enemy ult/basics!
Edit : spelling error
"Try to *ast* hit as many minions as possible!"
@BcBuddy thanks, already corrected ;)
This build looks pretty solid, but looking at this handy thread (http://paragon-game.com/forum/general-discussion/dmg-vs-attack-speed-vs-crit-chance), you can see that you have to balance your stats more for optimal DpS. You have a lot of damage and crit and comparatively little attack speed, leading to DpS that isn't maximal.
@Feenyx Theoretic Calculation is always nice, but in practice most good ADC players like Aphostle, Beeckon and TrueUnTrue achieve better results with less AS and more PD and Crit. After the recent Murdock changes, they tend to take way less AS than I currently have in my build. Its not only about pure DPS. If you hit with massive damage and slow attack speed it is way easier to pick enemies off guard. They often do not notice the massive damage they take. Or imagine if you are fighting in front of an enemy inhibitor. If the enemy is in your range for a few ms and you hit them once with massive damage its gonna have a way bigger impact.
@Feenyx, AS is great for DPS but you have to remember that every time you shoot, you have a chance to miss. You want to maximise the damage you do per shot, rather than per second. The less hits it takes to kill someone, the more effective you are :)
@Zerthox, Apologies, double post.
It's a good build, though a little weak to begin with (not unusual for Rangers though) I would probably use this if I were to play TB as your build lines up wth what I would personally choose, take my upvote.
AS, however, will further capitalize on the use of nitro, as it boosts base AS further. This makes AS much more important for a twinblast build.
@Talizar (not verified), I dont see why AS will make his Nitro better. Nitro increases TBs AS by 5 at lowest to 25 at highest rank. It makes no difference, how much AS TB has (except going over 95, which would make him go over the AS cap with his Nitro).
Yeah, this is a solid build...I agree about not using that much attack speed...its pointless wasting cards on that if you know you can hit your shots...the play station players will obviously favor AS being that they wont be hitting shots as much as someone with a mouse, but yeah man...great build cant wait to try it out right now.
So what's your reasoning behind getting crit damage before crit chance?
@Shenigamii (not verified), before the recent meta shift you wanted to have crit bonus online as soon as you can get lucky crit, to deal more damage. Gonna update my build for current meta soon ;)
Will you make other guides for more chars?