Abilities Build

This Guide was not updated since Apr-17. Please refer to the Grux Build guide.
The Art of Grux… Ing… (v1.03)
By: Drage
PSN ID: Chrisrd
Grux Overview:
Grux… The Hammer-Blade wielding Space Dinosaur….. Because Why Not. Grux is Considered a Fighter By Paragons official Website with the Recommended Role of Ganker and While Grux is more than capable of fulling Both of these roles competently, they are also not were Grux’s true strengths reside.
The Thing Grux dose better than ANY other hero within the world of Paragon is Farm and Dose he ever do it quickly. Because of the truly monstrous amounts of CS (Creep Score for you veteran MOBA Players out there, for you newer to the MOBA Scene CSing is getting the last attack on Lane creeps which grants you 10x the Card-Point EXP CPX) Grux’s Primary Role is as a Carry. Grux is more than capable of putting his entire team on his back, solo kill the entire enemy team and still have enough life left in him to rip through an inhibitor in just a few swings of his Oh-so-Wonderful Hammer Blades.
For All of the Math You can Check out this VERY detailed spread sheet. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B5yjeTkjBhyuaTlhaGU4V3FyNHM&usp=...
Grux swings his Hammer-Blades in a Chopping melee attack.
Damage- 96.37, 109.78, 124.42,
Difference: 14.64 Additional Damage Per Level
Energy cost – N/A
Difference: N/A
Cool down- 1.02, 1,01, 1.00
Difference: 0.01 Additional attacks/second Per level.
Damage Per Energy – N/A
Difference: N/A
Grux’s Primary attack is a Relatively fast high Damage, Not much to talk about here; Grux is going to be using these Godly Hammer-Blades a lot.
Double Pain:
Grux preforms a high damage, double bladed Attack that applies the Bleed Effect to enemies hit.
Damage- 128.16, 160.16, 192.16
Difference: 32 Additional Damage Per Level
Energy cost – 37.44, 40.04, 42.68
Difference: 2.6 Additional Energy Per Level
Cool down- 10 Seconds at all Levels
Difference: N/A
Damage Per Energy – 3.42, 4.00, 4.50
Difference: 12.12 Additional Damage Per Energy with each level
Grux’s Main and best damage skill, Great for early lane harassment, with its very high Damage to Energy Ratio (even at level 1) and very low cool down Grux can spam Double Pain for a Metric **** Tone of Damage.
Smash and Grab:
Grux Smashes the Ground with both hammer-blades dragging enemies caught in the shockwave to Grux.
Damage- 119.77, 147,77, 175.77, 203.75, 231.75
Difference: 28 Damage Per Level
Energy cost – 60.84, 63.44, 66.04, 58.64, 71.24
Difference: 2.6 Energy Per Level
Cool down- 19 Seconds at all Levels
Difference: N/A
Damage Per Energy – 1.97, 2.33, 2.66, 2.97, 3.25
Difference: 10.77 Additional Damage Per Energy with each level
Grux’s Initiation Ability, Though with The Lowest Damage, High-test Cool down and highest resource cost smash and Grab doesn’t scale as well as Grux’s other Abilities. One Point is enough for most of the game
Grux charges forward, damaging any enemies he runs through.
Damage- 128.13, 160.13, 192.13, 224.13, 256.13
Difference: 32 Additional Damage Per Level
Energy cost – 55.44, 58.37, 62.39, 64.21, 67.13
Difference: 2.92 Additional Energy Per Level
Cool down- 15 Seconds at all Levels
Difference: N/A
Damage Per Energy – 2.31, 2.74, 3.14, 3.49, 3.82
Difference: 10.96 Additional Damage Per Energy with each level
Grux’s Chase Ability, Dose someone Think they can get away from Grux? Good Luck… Stampede has better damage and a lower cool down then you might think allowing Grux to use it to both Attack and to get out of “Unfavorable” situations.
Warlord’s Challenge:
Grux Smashes his Hammer-Blades together as a challenge, with such force that it briefly stuns his nearby enemies are momentarily stunned. While the hammers are ringing, Grux gains additional movement his Cops are more powerful and cause his enemies to bleed.
Damage- 60,90,120
Difference: 30 Additional Damage Per Level
Move Speed – 150 At all Levels
Difference: N/A
Stun Duration- 0.5 sec At all Levels
Difference: N/A
Duration – 6 sec, 7 sec, 8 sec
Difference: 1 Additional second Per Level
Resource Cost – 100 Energy at all Levels
Difference: N/A
Cool Down Timer – 100sec, 90sec, 80sec
Difference: 10 Less Seconds Per Level
Grux’s ultimate Ability Turns Grux into a God of sorts, with the movement speed to chase down anyone and everyone who second-guesses challenging Grux to a fight.
Only the Strong Survive:
Grux permanently gains a small amount of health whenever he kills a unit.
Health Gain Per CS/Last Hit - 5
This is what makes Grux such a power house. In games were I have gathered 250+ Last hits, Grux's HP pool just gets out of control. Because of this Grux can focus on building Nothing But Damage, Attack speed and Lifesteal, which in turn allows him to scale better into the late game then any Current Hero.
Deck List
Prime Helix
1. The Warlord
2. Health Pot
3. Mana Pot
4. Harvester’s Key
5. Madstone Gem/Flashfire Piston
6. Thirstfang
7. Brand of the Ironeater
8. Windcarver Blade
9. Blade of Agora/ Blast Harness
10. Berzerker Drive
11. Merciless
12. Rust-Breaker
13. Strike
14. Strike
15. Strike
16. Strike
17. Strike
18. Strike
19. Strike
20. Strike
21. Strike
22. Wound
23. Wound
24. Wound
25. Wound
26. Kinetic
27. Kinetic
28. Kinetic
29. Major Strike
30. Major Strike
31. Major Strike
32. Major Kinetic
33. Major Kinetic
34. Major Kinetic
35. Drain
36. Drain
37. Pierce
38. Pierce
39. Lesser Strike
40. Lesser Kinetic
Deck Guide
Starting Equipment
Not a tone to speak of here, Health and Mana Potions are a must. I rarely pick up a harvester’s key. The few times I have its generally been a little later in the game when Grux has that 1 extra point and is strong enough to effectively farm the Jungle.
Get Grux Fed as Quickly as Possible
Assuming Grux Only Picked up the Standard Potions, He will have 1 Extra CP (Card Point) right at the start. This means that you will have 4 Points after your First Level up. Enough to pick up a Flashfire Piston as well as a Strike Card. Your Next Three CP should be spent filling the two remaining Slots with a Kinetic and a Minor Strike. This will get Grux a Firm Foundation to work with within the first few minutes of the Match.
Because Grux can sell Cards without Losing the Points, Grux can Upgrade Later But getting the Damage and Attack Speed early could make all the difference when it comes to farming.
Let The Gruxining Begin!
This is where Grux starts becoming The Terror he truly is. Now that Grux is farming nice and quickly with his newly maxed out Flashfire Piston it’s time to start preparing for later in the match. Grux’s Next 6 Card points should generally be spent on one of two things.
1. If Grux is Farming more than fighting. The Thirstfang Equipment (4 points) and a Strike Upgrade (2 points)
2. If Grux is fighting more than Farming. The Windcarver Blade (3 Points) and a Major Kinetic Upgrade (3 Points)
Filling which ever Equipment Grux went with it’s the obvious next step. What should be kept in mind at this stage is how quickly Grux can get to the next Equipment Card while still getting as strong as possible. Based on that
1. Finishing Thirstfang with 2 Strike Cards (4 Points) Giving you 2 Extra points to be used later.
2. Finishing Windcarver Blade 1 Major Kinetic (3 Points) and 1 Strike (2 Points) giving you 1 extra point
When Grux's Equipment of Choice is maxed out. Grux should start working on the Second one ASAP. Using these Upgrades brings the total Card-Point used to 21, which means Grux can have 3 cards maxed by the time Grux has a total of 30 Card points and with how fast Grux can Farm, Those 30 points can be easily acquired by the 20 minute mark if not faster.
Forget Potions, Drink the Blood of anyone Foolish enough to come Near Grux instead
Now that Grux’s Damage and Attack Speed are, simply put, “Outrages”. He has two Options, First if Grux finds himself struggling to survive in Fights Life steal his best friend, though with how much lifesteal he’s getting just threw equipment Grux shouldn’t need more than 1 Drain Upgrade card. If Grux is surviving fights just fine Critical Chance will increase his damage even further. In Both cases the Equipment “Brand of the Ironeater” is Grux’s best friend.
1. Lifesteal – Brand of the Ironeater (3 points) Drain (2 points) and 2 Wound’s (2 Points each, 4 Total)
2. MORE DAMAGE! - Brand of the Ironeater (3 points)) and 3 Wound’s (2 Points each, 6 Total)
@Drage, I like the way you name this guide. Looking forward for more details.
Nice guide!
Small thing: it would be helpful if ou listed the bindings for all abilities mentioned, like you did with the first two. Looking forward to a more in-depth guide.
Whats the reason for using only the 2 Point Cards instead of the 3 Points?
Love this build. I got a card called Merciless (not sure how to link it here) which has 4% crit chance and 6.5 attack speed. When fully upgraded it grants a passive: +12% crit chance vs bleeding targets. It's amazing.
@M-Horth21, just make it a link :)
Shouldn't you build some survivability as well?
Please Keep In mind that this is really just the start of a much more detailed Guide that is still in Progress.
First Thanks to Tallos, That was an oversight on my part and will be corrected.
Second the point of the 2 point cards is Generally to acquire any given cards "Completion bonus" faster or simply because Grux doesn't need more of a given stat so why waist the all to hard to acquire Card points when they could be being spend else were.
Third, Merciless Is indeed a absolutely fantastic card on Grux, But one I'm sad to say have not been lucky enough to be able to acquire personally (as of yet). that said it will Most definitely be included in my next update of this guide.
Forth, Survivability is a questionable thing for Grux, His Passive means that in a game were I have gathered upwards of 250+ last hits on Creeps, My HP Pool has reached over 4000 without spending a single Card-Point on HP. and with Armor being so unreliable (due to being split into both Physical and Energy) I struggle to say its worth the points either. Personally Life steal of 25+ has been MORE then enough to make Grux next to invincible. so in my Mind Life steal is all the survivability Grux will ever need.
Please keep the suggestions and questions coming while I keep working on the full Guide
This is the most detailed guide so far in terms of Cards sets!
As for the suggestions I'd love to see short videos representing the most common recipes or combos in action. I guess you should have a lot of those in your replays :)
Great deck and guide, i wouldn't be surprised if this becomes the meta for Grux.
:) BTW the 1st K of unique views of this guide less than in a week. Congrats.
Thank you all for the support. hopefully This weekend ill sit-down and record some games and edit together a Video guide To go along with the Written guide which will hopefully be Finished sometime this week.
Why is this a thing?
"Because Grux can sell Cards without Losing the Points"
This is not Grux-specific. It's for all Heroes. All you loose selling cards are the cards themselves
Indeed, Forgive me for my Vague Choice of words. But what George Said is correct. Because of the way My Deck works I can get a Stat Advantage in the early game, Without have to worry about being "Underpowered" in the late game. This is a tactic I use on many characters, not just Grux.
Wait so if we sell a fully upgraded card. We keep the stats it added to your hero? Correct me if I'm wrong.
@MeNasty, Nop. Wen you sell a card you get back all the card points you spent on this card and upgrades in it.
But. You will loose all the stats given by this card and upgrades inside. You'll not be able to use that sold cards in the match any more.
So selling card is a very important decision to make. You would do that if you are going for a quick max of one card with cheap upgrades and then going for better upgrades.
Thank you George, couldn't have put it better.
Next week is the first character balancing update, Grux is the main target:(
Ya.... He Really Should be. As much as I love the Space Dino Wrecking ball. He Farms Far to quickly.
I dont have Merciless... What should I get instead? I have Armavore or Bone Dice maybe?
@Gruxling (not verified), A Second Wind Carver Blade or Spear of the Rift Hunter are both solid Choices if your newer and don't have a tone of cards yet. With the Recent Changes to Grux. "Blood Soaked Armor" is also a justifiable choice if you are lucky enough to have one.
Personally at this the point of the game were I'm considering my 5th or 6th item/Card I Start Looking more at who I'm Fighting and what they are building. But as a general rule I fine Crit Chance and Attack Speed to be better DPS In the Late Game I'm just starting to look into physical armor to help inprove survivability a bit after the Grux Nerf but honestly don't have the experience using it yet to say for sure how worth it Physical armor is.
any update to this?
@executiverogue, this guide was not updated for long. Here is one up to date.