Abilities Build

- High durability
- Game changing ult
- Shields for days
- Annoying as hell for the enemy team
- Build is only made of cards that are easy to get and most you are given right away
- Low damage
- unreliable escape
- Cant 1v1
Abilities Overview
Passive: Restoration
Muriel grants bonus health regen to nearby shielded allies.
Your major ability which after a pause allows your to fly to any ally anywhere on the map giving them a large shield and "knocking up" anyone around the on arrival
RMB: Alacrity
Your mid amount shield that gives a movement speed buff to the ally who picks it up or its thrown into. WARNING: is a skill shot and can at times go flying way the f off yonder so be careful when using it so as to not waste it.
Small AOE shield for all ally champions that walk into it or are in its aoe when casted. After a short time it detonates dealing a low amount of damage to all enemies in the area.
Q: Serenity
Is a skill-shot slow that passes through all minions and hits the first champion it contacts for a mid amount of damage and annoying slow.
LMB: Orb
Ranged auto-attack.
WARNING: Your a tank don't upgrade your LMB ever.
Abilities Upgrade Priority
Obviously your ult is the highest priority as it gives the best game changing chance with a global re-positioning and shield.Next you want to focus on your RMB as is gives the best shield and a movement speed buff which comes in great handy when in laning phase to keep your partner alive. Next is your E as it helps a lot in team fights by giving everyone a shield, This is second because by the time your aoe is gonna be useful it'll be Mid game thus you only need to focus it during mid/late game. Last is your Q for the slow because though it does damage your a tank and thus you max it last. (never put points in your LMB as that is only for auto-attackers not tanks)
Abilities Combos
R > E > LMB > Q
This combo is simple you ult into the fight. Place your aoe shield immediately-2 seconds after landing to give you time to get the situation in-order. Wether you Q next or RMb depends on your allies position and the enemies. If the enemy/s are running away you Q them. Otherwise you are gonna RMB your lowest ally without a shield than Q the enemy.
Early Game
Early Game as Muriel consists of when you are pre level 5. The reason for this being that before you have your ult you need to stay in lane and keep your laning partner alive. During this time your responsibilities are really simple, ward jungle side of the lane (usually in the camo pool), Keep your laner alive, get the outside harvester (unlocks at 6 minutes in), and last hit when you can.
Mid Game
By now you are level 5 and the laning phase of the game is still going on, but since your ult is a global anti death ability your responsibilities change from keep your laner alive to keeping anyone on your team alive if it looks like they are about to die. The best tips to do this are:
- Don't waste ult to get to lane faster.
- Position yourself with your back to the outside edge of the map facing the jungle (this way you'll be able to see your allies health bars.
- Don't spam abilities so that way you still have mana to ult.
Late Game
Late game starts when at least 4 towers are down and team fights are starting to happen a lot. During this time you have to keep your head on the swivel to keep your allies alive.
Card Build
This card build is simply built around being a tank support. Thus the first and most important item to get is you Lord's Ward as warding if the responsibility of the support and jungler.
The Items:
This is the essential item for supports and most junglers as it is up to them to keep the map warded. WARNING: Don't upgrade till you have bought and upgraded all other items. Upgrade this with 3 Greater Health. On the other hand you can swap these upgrades with 3 Advanced Chrono. This will give you a total of 30 like wise you can swap a Greater Guard on the Lantern of Spring for another Advanced Chrono. This will put you at 37.5. You should only do this if you team have another dedicated tank. Ex. Steel, Riktor, or Sevarog. Otherwise you should build pure tank.
This is a 3 cost card power item that gives you the stats of 4 card power when fully upgraded. This is also the best Energy Armor item in the game right now. Upgrade with 3 Lesser Health. This is so as to get the fully upgraded bonus fast.
This is a 3 cost card power item that gives you the stats of 4 card power when fully upgraded. This is also the best Physical Armor item in the game right now. Upgrade with 3 Lesser Health. This is so as to get the fully upgraded bonus fast. This can be swapped if desired with an Honor the Pure. But to do so you also need to swap a Greater Health from your Lord's Ward with a health upgrade.
This time upgrade it with 3 Greater Barrier. This is because as a tank you need Energy Armor to keep from being bursted and it has been my experience that as of right now you'll encounter more problems with energy Damage dealers than Physical Damage dealers, thus why you should get it before Physical Armor.
I choose this as my armor item because I love the cooldown and Energy Pen, but it can be swapped with another Tempered Plate. This should be upgraded with 3 Greater Guard.
This is your final item and as such till they get a duo Energy and Physical armor item this is used as another health boost with the upgrades of 3 Greater Health.
What It Gives You:
4800 Health
345 Energy Armor
352 Physical Armor
16 Energy Pen
7.5 Cooldown REduction
75 Mana
You will be blocking a total of 58.97% of Energy Damage and 59.46% Physical Damage without them having pen.
Where To Ward
See my Guide on Supporting
TBD when we get a stable meta of either duo jungle or duo laning.
Q: Why build Muriel tank?
A: Only 2 abilities scale off of energy damage and even than at low amount thus building her tank makes more sense than building her damage.
Good to see a fresh view to the hero. Though the question would be about circumstanses where you prefer this build over a build with high CDR to use ult 40% nore often.
true that i forgot was gonna put in that option but got distracted by doing a support gameplay guide
@Azzeral.Rahl, cool.
BTW where do you get that 58.97% of damage blocked?
i calculated it from the numbers that paragon gave out
Where FFR is Final Resistance Rating and DHL is Defending Heros Level; which is interesting because Levels give you more damage reduction it seems.
@Azzeral.Rahl, ah yes. I saw that formula. Thanks :)
What is FFR?
Final Resistance Rating is FRR
my b missed typed
im doing alot of builds btw but only after i practice each champion.
@Azzeral.Rahl, deal. Would you be the 1st who publishes Riktor Guide? ;)
actualky yes
once u guys give me the ability to choice his abilities i can get one done. Riktor is a champ made for people like me.
@George, ..
@George, in fact im making the guide right now
Add a match up section for champions.
this tank build is too real. After reading the support in definitely gonna give this a shot. I'm more support than I am an agressor
@UP_IN_YO_HOUSE-, yep that is always a surprise to see a sustain build where you expect a squishy target. Yesterday I faced similar way of building Iggy. And it was tough to finish him off. The same thing can happen to Murry proposed here.