Abilities Build

Current as of v27.2
Summary (TLDR)
The purpose of this guide is to step away from Meta and help destroy threats as fast as possible. This is my 1st guide and Updates will come in the future as well as in game coverage on how to play this roll well. If you have any improvements, please feel free to add them in the comments section and I will review it and test it to see fit. Thank you in advance for taking tome to read this. Enjoy!
Key points:
1) POSITION! You should position yourself either near the Carry or behind the tank. It will take a bit of practice to get positioning down perfectly, but your main intent is to poke as much as possible with your Q while also applying slows with your RMB. Keep in mind that if your RMB bot collides with an enemy hero, it will auto-trigger.
2) Mind your surroundings. If there is a Kallari in the opposing team, make sure you place the ward behind your team. Most gank-focused heroes will position themselves behind the team so it is imperative you have vision around you at all times.
3) The poke should be focused around the Carries whenever possible. Poking a tank should never be a focus unless your carry can shred him fast. Be mindful of your mana/hp while poking.
4) Engaging with your ult is easy. Use it to separate the entire team from the carry or vice versa while your team destroys everyone else. NEVER use this skill to "Kill Secure" unless it is absolutely necessary. Having your ult up at all times makes for safer team fights.
-High poke potential against standard lanes
-Can solo lane if build is tweaked a bit
-Highly mobile champ for entire team
-Long range for poke
-Decent Cooldowns on skills
-No heals or shields
-Very squishy early to mid game
-hard to snowball laner if too far behind
-has a learning curve if not familiar with support role
Abilities Overview
Her kit is semi simple. So, for entertainment purposes, I will help you with key combos.
To poke it is fairly simple. Use her Q when you have a chance. Remember that there is a delay with her Q so I recommend use when there are minimal minions. I usually try to aim a bit behind the enemy to assure that it will latch on target. Also, it is wise to remember that it can be attached to friendlies as well, so use this to your advantage on tank.
Her Speed Gate (E) will be mainly used as an escape and rarely as an engaged, although it is good either way. With this new patch, Speed gate kind of got nerfed, so I would just keep as an escape to be safe. Do not use this for damage (remember it speeds friendlies and do minimal damage to enemies) since we will not be putting skills on this until late game.
Her Ult was briefly explained but use it to separate the enemies. Once separated, your team will be able to pick off everyone one by one.
Abilities upgrade priority
Q > RMB > R>LMB > E
Abilities Combos
Describe how to combo abilities to get maximum of them.
Early Game
Q → RMB (This will be your usual combo to poke as much as possible efficiently.) -
Mid Game (offensive)
R → Q → RMB -
Mid Game (defensive)
R → Q → RMB → E for engage or disengage.
Early Game
Fairly simple tactic, follow your team through jungle (if in a 5v5 team) and leech as much xp possible. Once separated into standard lanes, play aggressive as safe as possible while carry farms. This will help your carry while denying the enemy. Once you get your support items (Cards 1-2-3) you can start playing more defensive while you get your 4th and 5th cards. If team fights early, position yourself right behind tank to poke and then fall back a bit while your skills are on cooldown.
Mid Game
Similar to early game, but midgame you will be fairly weak so try to play somewhat defensive while poking when you get a clear window.
Late Game
This will be the fun part of the game. Position yourself near the carry and poke with him/her. by this point you will have armor sufficient enough to not get one shotted. REMEMBER to always ward behind during team fights so you wont get ganked.
Card Build
Standard starter build. I like to position my wards in the invisible area as far as possible without exposing it. Gives you vision of the area as well as ample time to know when a gank is coming.
Cards 1 and 2 are dependant on your carry. if you see that they are draining many rather rapid, then snag Mana circlet 1st and vice versa. The instant you have enough for Lords Ward, sell the scout one. You wont get much from upgrading these right away besides the individual stats from the upgrades so I recommend you not upgrade the circlets until later.
if you run out of mana fairly fast, I would rush for a few upgrades on circlet to help solve this issue AFTER upgrading Advanced Mana on Wellspring Staff. Thanks to Kizr, I have changed this a bit to add more DPS which will benefit with poking.
Your next item should be your survivability item. This is mainly due to the team composition you are going against. In the case that you are against a pretty balanced team, I would go defensive against the damage type that is carrying. In the rare case that you die too fast and both types are slaughtering you, then sub Lord's Ward for more armor.
Your last mod should be your CDR item. Why CDR last? Mainly because it is at this point when everything hits the fan and most teams go all in. This will help you spam as much and as fast as you can.
Once you get here and have upgraded your cards accordingly, now you can upgrade your support items. Good luck out there!
Jungling Phase
Remember to not last hit and to stay close in case you get ganked. Once this phase is done, you separate into your standard lanes, unless otherwise specified by your team shot caller.
Pretty standard and I wont go into much detail since I already have. Play safe and poke as much as possible.
You dont really gank as much, but a good support MAKES PLAYS! If you have a competant enough carry, you should go out and help make plays. After all, you have the potential to slam people to the ground.
I will update this if needed... I like this section.
Q: I looked you up but it says you don't play anymore. What gives?
A: Well, interesting question, but I have 2 accounts. I forgot that my beta account was on my main email, but my founders is on my "Gaming" email. So I am playing on my gaming email more than this one. I am still in the process of merging both accounts so bare with me until this gets resolved. -
Q: Why bother playing her as support since her role is mainly DPS?
A: Good question. As a diamond player in LoL, I see a lot of people playing meta champs and it gets too easy to counter simply because you know what their focus, build, and main tactics are. Yes, strategy and gamer play may differ, but overall, the same thing goes for that champ as a whole. I tend to enjoy games more for their uniqueness rather for their linear gameplay and this game has so much potential for fun roles and positions. -
Q: Do you only play Support roles?
A: Mainly, but I do dabble in mid lanes. I mained Support because that is where the fun is. I love knowing that I am the link between making or breaking a team. There is no greater satisfaction than saving a follow team-mate and making plays. -
A: -
v.27.2 Patch notes on Gadget
Arms distort and staff clips through chest when looking certain direction.
v.27.1 Patch notes on Gadget
- Fixed a no timer displayed for her speed buff from Speed Gate ability... Yet again!
v.27 Patch notes on Gadget
- Passive - Haywire
- This ability has been removed.
- Seek & Destroy
- Slightly increased projectile speed.
- Polish / Bug Fixing:
- Added sounds to Gadget's emote, Chill Out, level start, and recall.
- Gadget now lists her possible roles and range type properly.
v.26.1 Patch notes on Gadget
- Fixed a no timer displayed for her speed buff from Speed Gate ability.
v.26 Patch notes on Gadget
- Animation updates and polish.
- New Skin: Gadget Guerrilla Skin
v.25 Patch notes on Gadget
- Reduced time that the Speed Gate is active from [8] seconds to [5] seconds.
- Increased cooldown of Speed Gate (+5 seconds).
- Increased Sticky Mine base damage from [80, 125, 170, 215, 260] to [100, 150, 200, 250, 300]
- Reduced time it takes Sticky Mine to detonate from 6s to 4.5s.
- Increased projectile max range of Sticky Mine from 1500 to 2000.
- Increased base Seek & Destroy damage from [50, 112.5, 175] to [100, 162.5, 225]
- Reduced movement speed bonus of Speed Gate from [280, 315, 350, 385, 420] to [200, 240, 280, 320, 360]
- Increased Tesla Dome Card scaling from [2] to [2.5].
v.24.1 Patch notes on Gadget
While in travel mode, Speed Gate ability gives no additive speed boost until crossing it a second time
No timer displayed for her speed buff from Speed Gate ability
v.24 Patch notes on Gadget
- RMB bot explosion audio increased.
- Sticky Mine ability now displays damage properly in the CTRL pop-out.
- Fix for Gadget spawning two Sticky Mine bombs.
v.23 Patch notes on Gadget
- Seek and Destroy projectile radius indicator is now the proper size.
- Fixed a bug when using Sticky Mine that prevented other abilities from being cast until the mine landed on the ground.
- Fixed a bug causing collision issues after casting Sticky Mine.
v.22 Patch notes on Gadget
- Updated select screen animation.
- Added specific FX when Gadget's speed buff is applied from the Speed Gate ability.
- Removed the pitch offset and gravity on the Sticky Mine as it is fired. It will stop and drop when it reaches max range. This will allow it to more closely match the targeting radius of the ability.
- Seek and Destroy ability now applies a periodic slow rather than a constant, persistent slow.
I like the core principle of your build, but wouldn't it be better to upgrade your Circlet of Health with your Basic Mana, Mana, and Advanced Mana cards first of all? This would allow you to take damage on your Wellspring Staff instead. It just seems strange to waste the damage potential on your Wellspring Staff when you've taken a card that will only take mana. Putting that mana in at the end of the game (which won't always happen) seems redundant to me. Just my two cents but I'll upvote your guide for you all the same.
First off, thank you for taking your time to read this and your support. I do value your input, as it is very good question.
The issue with that is that I wanted a bit of damage but mana for spamming. When I tested this build I noticed that I was taking most of the kills and not allowing my carry to farm efficiently. I am trying to stray from carry to Support, which makes for a much more fun team comp than your usual Rampage + Muriel comps. However, if you would like for more dps, then you could always go for more damage on Wellspring than mana.
The reason I upgrade mana last on circlets are mainly because you dont get much from upgrading them besides the upgrade mods. Going straight dps on Wellspring can benefit, but you will have to watch your spams since even as a support you will do lots of damage, which my goal is to feed everyone else and just poke as much as I can
However, I will definitely add in the option to do so for your high poke team comps. Thank you again for the input :)
@Anrothan, fair enough, I can't argue with that at all, I'm just used to playing Muriel with a Circlet of Health as my first item, followed by 3 Mana's so it's like blasphemy for me to see one without any upgrades.
I do agree with your logic, though, I've not had a chance to really sink some hours in Gadget yet and I'd like to do so with the changes they've made, I'll also admit that I've stolen your patch notes idea, it looks really good! I'll be adding credit for you on my guide tomorrow since you did it first =3
When I do get around to player her I'll be following your guide!
@Kizr Thank you bud, Have a nice one! :)
@Anrothan, welcome to the frontpage.
@George Thanks? lol I dont get it.
@Anrothan, haha.
He means he's pushed your guide to the featured section on the front page for more attention :)
Ahhh, lol derp