Abilities Build

Updated deck patch 24.1 ;)
New look '08 may 2016' ! the old one had lack of damage in mid game
Deck build order on :
Hi there !!!
I hear people shouting everywhere "Sparrow is weak !!! need up !!!" Well, this is true there is no escape on her, and his Right mouse spell is weak..
Okay ! but don't forget you can't damage like a monster and have a lot of escape ^^
Lets start with her passive :
Here you could say ! Wow that's great !
Bonus damage on hit ! i will build attack speed ! FATAL ERROR
For the moment Crits are much more powerful than attack speed on sparrow trust me or just test it :)
That don't mean you don't need it ^^ Just don't focus on attack speed and waste all your Card XP on it :)
Be accurate don't fail hits on target and win the fight with only 2 or 3 arrows, that is the objective.
Too much attack speed will slow your damage strike power.
The RMB spell :
I see two situations :
- First you need to catch an enemy using the travel mode
- Second you need to finish an enemy with 50hp no more cause you won't kill him with this spell xD
The Q spell :
This spell is the most important, it's helping you a lot to depush lanes, kill creeps and for sure damage enemies in aera effect.. :)
I personaly up this one first.
The E spell :
Important too !! ;) up just after your Q, really effective if your accuracy is good !! :p work on it
The R spell :
Beast mode ultimate ! Pierce all your enemies activate your E and let's dance in a shower of arrows.
This spell is powerfull in jungle with small jungle corridor. Do not waste your ulti for a single player if you can.
Skill order if someone attack :
First launch your Q stay in your area effect if you are against a CAC else launch it on the distance enemy and fast click on E then R
Do not forget !!!! You have no escape so use wards !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The first item with 2 shadow wards will be your friends.
Keep in mind
Buy crit cause it's better than attack speed for the moment on ADC
Buy attack speed when you have at least 25% crit chance
Another important thing !
Sparrow gains 0 attack speed per level, she requires 265 attack speed to reach the maximum attacks per second of 2.5.
TwinBlast only needs 120 Increased attack speed from cards to get the max of 2,5.
Murdock I don't know since new patch ^^
So it will cost you a lot as SPARROW to have great attack speed, you will spend a lot of points !! for minimal result
Surprise your enemy with high damage crits = Less chance for him to escape
Do not try RAMBO like actions ! 1vs5 ! just be careful and wound enemies behind your tanks :)
@Pitchan, Looks great bro! I like how you used colors to make your guide easy to read. Thumbs up for that! Sparrow's late game annoys the living shit out of me! Keep up the great work.
SmokeyJay ;)
Thanks ;) really appreciate your comment
It's a good looking guide, and I think the build works pretty well. But in my experience (limited to myself and those I see playing sparrow, certainly a small sample size, but comparable to what @Pitchan has IMO) attack speed first ends up being much better. I think a crit heavy build needs a lifesteal card honestly. I mean it's good either way, but you attack too slowly and crit too infrequently at the start of the game.
Might as well start off with atk speed and let your passive work for you IMO. That's what I see successful sparrow's using.
@Achilles, Thanks for the reply ;)
I tried several builds and this one fits better with my gameplay :)
I understand what you are saying i can't say it's false ^^, i think start attack speed give you no chance to get damage in early and like i said sparrow need the most quantity of attack speed (265 to cap) i feel like wasting CXP when i start buying attack speed.
But i am not a pro ;) just a MOBA fan
I will update this guide as often as possible !!
Thank you again @Achilles,
@Achilles, I'd love to see your build summarized as a guide. There are different ways playing each Hero see feel free to share yours best shot.
@Pitchan, The guide is pushed to the frontage for a while to receive more visibility to the community.
@George, Thanks ;)
@AX, Thanks for reading ! See you in game !
I tried this build and went 24/1/9, i think it really fits my playstyle!
@Pitchan, Why dont u have a blade of agora in the deck?
The crit bonus is so good :o
You probably have a good reason for it tho :)
@Jonathan hmm are you sure ? ^^
perhaps i missclicked editing this build ^^
I Updated again for patch 24.1 and my new play style so let's try it and give me a feedback ;)