Abilities Build

Introduction/Who am I?
Hi, guys! Well I'd like to start by saying that this is the first guide that I have ever made, but I do have extensive experience in Mobas. I've been playing League of Legends since pre-season three and have climbed to gold ranking, which I know is not amazing, but it's something. I've played smite off and on since the beta, and I've been playing paragon since the paid early access dropped. While I may not boast an impressive win loss, I do feel I understand the game mechanics and the state of the game. At least well enough that I can carry myself if not my team.
Now as for the actual guide, I'd like to preface it by saying that this is not an end all be all guide and I do not by any means think this is the best way to build Sevarog, just that this build has worked for me and that I find it to be very enjoyable. Also this guide is not usable for all people, as most of it is made up of non-basic cards. I've always been of the opinion that bruisers are more fun to play and offer more to a game than tanks, and Sevarog fits the build. He can still take a hit while managing to not hit like a wet noodle. He's not the best jungler in the game currently, but I think I'd rank him either third or fourth. Now without further ado, let's get into the actual guide.
Summary/At a glance/ Lazy guide
Max Siphon, farm jungle camps and tax lanes to build stacks. Gank when enemies push up.
Build Spiked Boneplate, Swiftcreak heart, traitor's touch, stonetooth heart, tuned barrier, tempered plate, and pendulum of lords in whatever order you feel necessary.
Tank, deal damage, profit. Now I'm not a fan of TLDR's and summaries, so this part will be about as in depth as this. I may decide to change it at a later date, but that's not likely. For those of you who read on, I will explain my item choices.
Abilities Overview
Passive:Soul Tap: Sevarog gains stacks that give him a bonus to max health when he kills an enemy with siphon. He grows in power at 20/40/70/100 stacks.
This passive is what allows sevarog to build damage and still be fairly tanky. You should place an emphasis on farming in the early game and even in the mid and later game farm when at all possible to ensure maximum stackage.
R2/LMB:Hammer: Just a basic attack, all characters have them, not much to say there. Will be your primary source of damage with this build. Max it when possible.
Square/Q: Siphon: Your main farming tool and damaging ability, make sure to be last hitting with this when at all possible. Max this first. It gets an increase in damage every time Sevarog grows from collecting souls, so make sure you're farming this up as quickly as you can. This ability makes for a nice amount of damage in a fight as it's a decently damaging ability on a low cooldown, however with this build it is more or less supplementary damage, as right now it is a little bit lackluster.
Circle/E: Subjugate: Your ganking tool and disruptive ability, I tend to max this second. Use this to set up ganks or to escape from them. A nice combo if you can pull it off is to ult someone and put your subjugate where you predict them to land.
R1/RMB: Phantom Rush: This ability is your dash which you can either use to chase enemies or escape from them. Note that phantom rush only travels across the ground, so you cannot use it to climb surfaces. Because of its limited usefulness I tend to max it last.
Triangle/R: Colossal Blow: Your defining ability, the one that makes you both an annoyance and a menace. This ability will send an enemy or enemies flying in the general direction of wherever you swing them towards. Try to phantom rush behind a target and use this to knock them into your team or away from your team. Root them if needed. It is worth noting that this ability has roughly a two second wind up and is NOT instant. Max this when possible/
Abilities upgrade priority
Colossal Blow, Siphon, Subjugate, Auto Attack, Phantom Rush.
Abilities Combos
Most "Combos" with this build involve you either rooting an enemy or phantom rushing behind them to ult them. Most combos will revolve around your ult. I don't feel that this character has enough complex combos to warrant my talking about them.
Early Game
Early game just try to farm up and grab that early Spiked Boneplate. The early armor and damage really help your clears in the jungle. Gank when at all possible, but don't try to force something to happen, and especially do not get caught out. A dead Sevarog is not a happy Sevarog.
Mid Game
Mid game you should have between three and four items finished depending on how well your doing, this is where you're going to start noticing that you have become a bully. If you've been stacking sufficiently your damage should be decent. At this point in the game you'll most likely be grouping with your team and trying to push down towers or catch people out. With this build you can either peel for your carries and defend them, or you can dive the enemy backline and reek havoc (my preferred method). Sevarog excels at tower diving, because you can throw down your root, and either ult or kill the target, and then phantom rush out.
Late Game
This is where Sevarog is THE soul sucking monster. Late game when you have all items built you should be both unkillable (provided you play smart) and a damage dealing monster. Stay grouped with your team when you can, however if your team isn't doing well, you can split push. You should be able to 1 v 1 most anyone at this point in the game. And in some cases, such as guarding a tower, Sevarog can even pull off 3 v 1 maneuvers and still come out on top.
Card Build
My build may seem a little strange, but I have found it be effective and hopefully my explanation will do it justice.
Starting off I always take Hp pot, Mana pot, Harvester Key. After that my build order can vary depending on how the game is going.
So far my most common build path has been this:
Spiked Boneplate: 3 Strikes. The damage and armor you get from spiked boneplate early on is phenomenal and helps your clears immensely.
Swiftcreek heart: 3 Kinetics. The attack speed really helps to supplement the damage and makes sure that our next item is not wasted.
This is where the build usually splits off. If I'm doing well I take
Traitor's Touch: 3 Chronos. The cooldown and lifesteal are great, but theyre only icing on the cake. The passive of this item is what makes it so great, dealing 5% of the targets current health on your auto attack is too good. This is what allows you to 1 v 1 easily and shred those pesky tanks and enemy Sevarogs.
(When I get augments that increase Lifesteal, I will probably use those over Chrono, just for the added survivability.)
If I'm not doing well; however, I build my resistances.
Either Tempered Plate: 3 Guard
Tuned Barrier: 3 Barrier
Whichever I build first depends on the damage I am taking the most of. After I build one of those I will work on my Traitor's Touch, or even possibly build whichever item I didn't build beforehand. But I never put off my Traitor's Touch until the end.
At this point games are usually over, but if not, I build my pendulum of the lords, augmented with either health or mana, depending on which one I feel that I need more, or I build my Stonetooth Heart for more damage and health.
With this item set Sevarog becomes an excellent disruptive tank and a 1 v 1 fighter that can shred through the opposing teams tanks.
The only thing to say about jungling with Sevarog is that you need blue buff or mana pots to avoid going OOM (out of mana). Farm when you can, but don't leave your team high and dry.
Do not do this!
Root enemies with your subjugate, however it may be best to wait until they use their movement ability first. Ult them towards your allies or tower.
I hope that you guys like my guide and that it was helpful to someone at least. This is the way I like to play Sevarog and the way I feel he should be played, not as a tanky wet noodle, but as a ravaging sucker of souls and reaper of doom. Hopefully with your support I'll be able to make more guides in the future, as I have a tendency to play off-meta characters in these sort of games and mess around with quirky builds. Happy hunting.