Abilities Build

Sevarog is a jungle hero in the early game that becomes obscenely powerful in the late game. His entire gameplan revolves around his Q ability, Siphon. Siphon is possibly the strongest ability in the game. It's an ability that deals Physical Damage to all enemies in front of you. If you kill something with that ability, you gain a soul stack, which increases your maximum health. You undergo transformations at 20, 40, 70 and 100 stacks, at which point you grow physically larger and gain buffs, including buffs to DpS. I like to stack Sevarog with all sorts of stuff to improve his survivability. I personally primarily stack his Physical Damage, Crit Damage, Crit Chance and Lifesteal, but you can use different builds with success as well. For example, you might want to add Cooldown Reduction to this build so that Subjugate and Siphon come off of cooldown more quickly, allowing you to secure more soul stacks.
Sevarog's Base Stats
Max Health: 700 + 150 per level
Health Regen: 1.4 + .3 per level
Max Mana: 160 + 17.2 per level
Mana Regen: .64 + .0688 per level
Physical Armor: 13.2 + .8 per level
Energy Armor: 13.2 + .8 per level
Attack Speed: 100 + 1.4 per level
Passive- Soul Tap
Sevarog gains soul stacks that increases his maximum health when he kills an enemy with Siphon. Sevarog has four transformations that make him bigger and more imposing as he reaches different stack number plateaus.
This passive is the cornerstone of Sevarog. At 20, 40, 70 and 100 souls, Sevarog gets massive buffs to DpS and other stats, making him very powerful in the late game because he has the stack ability with the best scaling.
LMB- Hammer
Sevarog swings his hammer in a medium damage, melee attack.
A solid basic attack. Not much else to say.
RMB- Phantom Rush
Sevarog rushes forward with a short-distance dash, gliding through any enemies in his path.
While you always want to have escape abilities, Phantom Rush is one of the weaker ones. You'll need it for escape and closing in, but don't upgrade it to max. It just isn't worth it.
Q- Siphon
Sevarog slams his hammer on the ground, dealing damage in front of him. Killing an enemy with this attack will grant a number of soul stacks.
The bread and butter of your build. You want to kill as many things as possible with Siphon to increase your soul stacks. Use Siphon whenever you think you can kill something with it.
E- Subjugate
Sevarog targets an area on the ground that roots and damages opponents. After the root ends, enemies will be slowed for a short period.
Good single target CC. Helps to stop enemy heroes from escaping.
R- Colossal Blow
Sevarog makes one mighty sweep with his hammer. Enemy heroes are damaged and knocked back a great distance. Enemy minions are obliterated. Colossal Blow gains bonus damage for each Soul Tap plateau he reaches.
Colossal Blow is a good all around ability, but it's best used to gank. As Sevarog, you'll want to gank when needed in the early game, and this ability is a great way to do it because you can knock enemy heroes into your team if they try to escape. If you're positioned correctly, you can knock them into the tower!
Here's the link the the deck and build I'm using: http://agora.gg/deck/sevarog/sevarog-bruiser-deck/2299
Card Stats
Once you've spent your 60 CP, you'll have 60.6 Physical Damage, 72 Critical Chance, 50 Crit Damage, 48 Physical Armor Penetration, 2.5 Cooldown Reduction and 112 Lifesteal. In addition to all of this, you deal Physical Damage equal to 5% of the target's current health on hit. If you crit on that effect, you'll be dealing 12.5% of the target's current health on hit in addition to whatever other damage you have.
Team Composition with Sevarog
As Sevarog, you want to be in the jungle. This is where you can best build soul stacks. Because he has to be in the jungle, any sort of 5 laner team is out. Since Sevarog can't gank extremely well, 2-0-2 also isn't an option because it relies on a skilled ganker to make it work. This leaves you with the options of 1-2-1, 2-0-1 and 1-1-1.
I've never liked 3-lane push strategies, so I'm not a big fan of this, but here's the composition I'd use:
Gideon Mid Lane- Gideon is a very strong all around hero who can easily hold his own. He has good DpS, good AoE and a good escape.
Twinblast Red Lane- Twinblast is a solid Dps character. He can really dish out a lot of damage late game and can still hold his own early on.
Murdock Blue Lane- Murdock OP. 'Nuff said.
Muriel Support- Muriel is a character who really helps any team with her. She protects your squishy characters very well.
Note that if you use this composition, you need to cut Adamant Edge for Guardian's Ward.
This the composition that I like the best with Sevarog because it's a two-lane push that allows Sevarog to fully capitalize on his late game potential.
Twinblast Red Lane- Twinblast is a very powerful carry. He may be squishy, but with a good support character, he's worth it.
Murdock Blue Lane- Again, Murdock is just too good.
Muriel Support- Muriel really helps with these outer lane pushes as she is able to protect both characters, as opposed to a tank who can only protect one.
Kallari Ganking- The second jungler in Kallari is very helpful because it allows Sevarog to be more passive and let Kallari do most of the ganking. Another nice thing about Kallari is that Kallari will have the shadow wards, so you can keep your Adamant Edge.
Again, I don't really like three lane push strategies, but they can be effective.
Twinblast Red Lane- Again, Twinblast is a very good carry.
Gideon Mid Lane- Gideon has solid AoE, good DpS tools and good escape.
Murdock Blue Lane- Seriously, nerf Murdock. Please.
Kallari Ganking- For the same reasons as before, Kallari ganking is a huge help to the team and to you.
Early Game
The early game is where Sevarog is most important. You want to start out with some teammates collectively taking the red buff. After that, take out the two white mobs on your side of the jungle (if you have a second jungler, they'll take the other side. If not, kill all four white mobs). Once the white mobs are down, gank or kill minions until the three minute mark. At that point, you'll place a Harvester at one of your points. Once you're done with that, jungle and gank until you've hit about 40 soul stacks.
Mid Game
Once at about 40 soul stacks, if you have a second jungler, you can start pushing as a tank/bruiser. If you don't have a second jungler, keep jungling for a while. If you think you can solo prime, try it, but run away if it looks grim. Make sure there aren't any enemy shadow wards in the area before doing so.
Late Game
Late game is where you shine. You can either tank for a player or solo a lane. If you're tanking, make sure to let your support know so that they can focus on one player. If you're soloing a lane, just go in and wreak havoc. Your goal is to draw multiple heroes into your lane when soloing so that they either overextend or just get killed by you and your ganker, if you have one. If you're tanking, you want to be with Gideon if you have him, as Gideon's AoE means he can kill a group of heroes rather effectively with Black Hole.
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