This guide may be out of date. The guide author did not update it for more than 6 month.
For the most up-to-date information please refer to the Rampage Build Guide
Rampage - Not a Tank
Rampage was probably Designed as a Tank, as the LMB-Damage Scaling suggests.
It's pretty low with a 0.365292 Ratio. So once again you have to abuse Paragons Crit and Attackspeed capabilities.
Overall Rampage would be pretty bad as a full tank, because there is absolutely no Reason to Attack him beside a Single Target Stun (unlike Steel). So you have to get Dangerous or everyone will just ignore the Shit out of you.
This Build will let you have
56% Crit Chance,
250% Crit Damage,
200+ Armor or Energy Armor or Both
+84,5 Attackspeed
Overall you can Skip the Tanky Items for even more Attackspeed. But Always think that living longer also grants you more Options to attack your Enemy.
Summary (TLDR)
- Will never do the Damage a fully equipped Feng-Mao can do
- Mediocre laning and pushing skills
Abilities Overview
- Great Engage, Great Escape, protip, you can stop it with activating it again and land where you actually want to land
- Pretty long single target stun
- Well yeah, nice to enhance your
- More damage, the less health you have, also giving you tons of health and resets your jump.
Abilities upgrade priority
Abilities Combos
Describe how to combo abilities to get maximum of them.
Early Game
Help with the buffs, go for ganks, try to get some kills and get harvesters.
Card Build
As I said before, getting super tanky isn't that useful on Rampage, because you will get ignore. Solution -> Deal Damage, so people have to care about you.
Also keep in mind, you are not the only damage of your team, so it's not your job to 1v5.
I didn't play Rampage that often, because I find his playstyle not very Interesting, but these are the basics to win games with him. Feel free to ask questions, I will try to answer them as good as I can.
If you don't own all the cards just try to create a similar build including Attack Speed, Crit, Crit Damage and Armor/Energy Armor.
Overall Playstyle
You got 2 Jobs.
Job 1: Jump into the face of the enemy Carry and act like a mad cat in their face.
Job 2: Make yourself a Number 1 Priority to get rid off for the Enemy Team. You can always escape. There is close to no reason (beside beeing oom) to die in a teamfight.
So when is your time to shine? I would say your job is to counter Initiiate or follow up the Initiiate of Steel or Dekker.
Scenario 1: Your Team get's attacked. Enemy Steel jumps into your team and the enemy Carrys are preparing to unleash hell on your team. That's exactly the time where you pee on their parade. You jump directly onto the enemy carry and start to attack them, try to use to interrupt abilities, such as Muriel's or Murdock's or TwinBlasts . You can also use
to get closer to an escaping enemy. Don't use
too early, because you get more benefit from it, when you use it at lowhp.
Scenario 2: Your Team starts the fight for example with Dekker's , jump in there and unleash hell. Remember that you can always escape and you have to do so, because a dead Rampage is usually worth nothing. (Of course there are Situations, where you have to sacrifice yourself to achieve a greater good, but usually you are worth more alive)
Always try to focus down the enemy Carries, and if you are not able to kill them, you at least will stop them from dealing damage to the rest of your team.
@Deevo, dat top image. I love it! The thing I'd also love to see is slightly increased combo section with more detailed description on what actually to do when you are diving into the enemy team in a team fight. When actually to dive (go in 1st or right after you see enemy team committing to accept a team-fight). When to get out and how.
When to use an ultimate.
PS - I was surprised not seeing Boulder i your combo section. But this is one of the key abilities especially when you have mr. Devastating Blast in your team.
@George, I honestly think, that Boulder shouldn't be part of any combo. It is very situational, as it costs you 2-3 Attacks as time. I only use it when I need a stun. I am also mostly playing soloqueue and I don't wan't to be forced to count on randoms. I will however update the other points.
@Deevo, oh yes. Totally agree it is situational and makes you unable to attack for a while and I like how you described that as well. Good job. I'll bump this guide on front in a couple of days (need to wait some time to keep guides added today there).
Pretty sure this guide must be out of date now? Only been playing Paragon a few months but plenty long enough to confirm physical damage+ attack speed results in far more overall damage on Rampage than crit is able to provide? Also, brand new to this forum, first comment! I wrote my own Rampage guide called Rampagegeddon, clicked submit but can't find it again now! Forum noob but won my last ten matches as Rampage so pretty sure I've half a clue at Rampage at least haha :)
@Admural Ackbar, true it is out of date.
@George, seems you're an administrator, this is the wrong place to ask this I know but I don't know where else to ask - how do I get my Rampage guide published please? Submitted it Saturday I think, called Rampagegeddon. Would really appreciate if you could let me know and then maybe remove this comment as appropriate? It's won me my last 13 Rampage games in a row (Admural Ackbar on so it must have some merit, and I'd really like to share it. Admittedly I'm still Silver ranked so perhaps it isn't as relevant to higher ranked players but it should help out the majority of people
@Admural Ackbar, that's OK. I'm just waiting you to complete it. So far it is not marked as a guide for Rampage and I see a template text right at the top. To me it indicates the fact that the guide is still in progress.
Clearly it's me just being noobish here then, but I'm sure I saved it several times and then clicked submit afterwards, but I can no longer find a way to get back to the guide? Any advice please? Nothing listed under guides created on my account page! :( is it lost?
Thanks again
@Admural Ackbar, here you go.
Awesome thanks for that! Think I've completed it the; could you let me know if I'm still missing anything obvious? Please do feel free to erase these comments once the my guide is live haha - I'm sure nobody is interested in reading our discussion of a different guide to this one we're commenting on!