Abilities Build

Welcome to My Guide!
-Any pointers and comments are appreciated!
My name is Nickerr!
I've been a beta player for over 3 months now, and I've decided to share a guide for my favorite character in Paragon! Feel free to add me. This guide will constantly be added to, your information is appreciated! I will try to use simpler cards to give people a path that they can alter to their preference.
Listen to your teams needs. If you just stay in your lane and the team needs you on a different lane, get over there.
your team>>>yourself
My preffered position is Mid, but any lane works, start by warding up and be CAUTIOUS early game!
Strengths: High DPS/burst Late game, AMAZING AOE, Long Range Q, Fast Escape, Mild CC (slow), cool hood.
Weaknesses: Only one escape (E), Sometimes tricky to land ult, lower kill potential early game. the
Abilities Overview
Q (Square) - This thing is your bread and butter. Mid game you'll be able to clear minions like nothing, and you shouldn't have much problems with playing it safe since the range is generous!
E (Circle) - Without it, Gideon would be immobile and easy to kill! Very important to watch the timer on it, and "make the correct judgement" on whether it's safe to engage with E or not!
Right-Click (R1) - This is a skill many Gideon players underestimate! As soon as you basic attack, follow up with a slow into another basic. It's not hard to perform it quickly! Also, watch to see if your team is approaching, it's always nice to slow down an enemy, because your teammates will have other crowd control skills!
R (triangle) - This bastard is so strong, yet annoying to aim at times. Usually hard to land unless with multiple players, or being engaged by a meele character.
Abilities upgrade priority
R(Triangle) > Q(Square) > RMB(R1) > E(Circle)
Many people wonder if Burden should be maxed out before torn space, or vice versa. I would say that as a beginner, you would be better off maxing out torn space until you get more comfortable with using your burden effectively, as in right after a basic attack.
Gameplay overview
Early Game
Try to kill minions as much as possible while keeping wards up around your lane. If the enemy team is ganking as 5, group the team up! It's Important to manage your Q to prioritize minions, however you can lure the enemy into standing near the minions and be more effective. -
Mid Game (offensive)
Manage harvestors between trips, and watch the movements of your teammates, as well as the enemy! Set up ganks and be sure to alert the team of your intentions with pings. -
Mid Game (defensive)
Try to surpass everyone in minion kills and card exp. If the team isn't cooperating well, try to guard the most common lane that the enemy goes. Be safe and don't get hit! -
Late Game - Death timers are high now. Be sure to pay attention to everyone's positioning, if your team can catch one or two people off guard, GROUP UP before they respawn! It's important to identify your best engager on the team (I prefer Rampage, Kallari, or Riktor. anyone who can get in there quick and stay alive!)
Card Build
Try to watch for which enemy puts out the most damage, and build accordingly. If there's a 5/0 feng mao, Darn right I'm going to 2nd build a tempered plate!
The more comfortable/ahead you are, the more you should focus on building energy damage. if your basic attacks don't hurt like they should, grab some energy pen.
Some people prefer a tanky build, many enemies are caught off guard when it takes forever to kill a Gideon.
Don't you even dare!
Courtesy tip: don't take jungle's monsters unless you want blue buff OR jungler is fed.
Watch your mana, if the enemy is meele, basic attack the crap out of them! Aim your Q to where it hits every minion in the wave. The more wards you have, the safer you are!
More map awareness = less deaths!
Pinging before ganking is quite effective. It's easy gank with a quick run. Only E into an enemy if you are certain you won't die before the cooldown returns!
Slowing the enemy, followed by an ult is the most effective form of ganking that Gideon has to offer.
Super secret Gideon trick (shhh)
-If you'd like to be harder to hit/see, use your torn space directly up and immediately use your Ultimate in high air, it will still pull and damage as normal, and great for teamfights because it gets hectic and nobody sees you!
Bonus Tip-Try to get a tainted magic and max it with major casts, use your Cosmic rift before your ultimate because it will come back right after your ult is complete!
Any Questions? Ask and thou shall recieve!
*Be sure to hit the up arrow if this guide helped you out at all, and add me in game!
@Nickerr, Hey there. How about updating the sequence of abilities upgrade? Auto-attack upgrades are no longer valid since .27 patch.
@George, Thank you for the heads up! I took it off since people have their own preferences!
@Nickerr, That's actually one of the important parts of the guide. Are you sure you want not to cover this?
BTW you can actually describe multiple viable abilities builds by using a newly added short-code in any section of your guide. Just take a look at an example in the Guide Creation Guidelines.
Let me know of any questions.
For me personally I'd like to see a view on whether it makes sense to prioritize Dark Tether over Torn Space once both has 1 level upgrade. Would be great if you could cover that in your guide.
I prioritize Dark Tether over Torn Space, i only put 1 into torn space bc it doesnt really save you that much unless you can port to an upper level. The dot from Dark Tether along with dropping Cosmic Rift on them pretty much seals their fate if you can auto them a few times.