Abilities Build

This is just an Item build guide for now which i have been using, if i get more time i might add a detailed gameplay info bout Grux.
This build ends up at 40% crit, 211/250 Attackspeed and 150 phys. dmg, iirc need to check that next time :P
Gameplay Information
The point of Lifesteal Grux is the amount of sustain u get, ofc u wont do shit against an fed adc that 2 shots you with crits but since building Grux as tank is useseless, Lifesteal on the other hand makes him a real threat. the only really dangerous champions will be Murdock/Twinblast/Grim.exe and a good Kallari. Feng Mao can be difficult if u can't dodge his ulti but even if he hits, u can still win cuz of your amount of Lifesteal.
Its 76 Lifesteal with 2 hits per second, so 150 HP/Sec aslong as u keep hitting something. If u get slowed or knocked out of position u can either try to get to minions and keep healing yourself and wait for charge/grab to be back off CD or run away :P
Rampage/Steel/Muriel/Dekker/Sevarog all those champs that are not really doing high dmg with Autoattacks are fun, u wont even be loosing HP at all on a 1vs1 duel :D
Iggy&scorch turrets wont be an issue either and u can mostly stand still in howitzer ulti if u got minions to hit.
People tend to overextend to kill Grux and they will fail cuz u just heal up faster than most champions can kill you.
Hope this helps to understand this gameplay of Grux.
Let me know what u think bout this build, any kind of feedback is appreciated :)
@MaverickMC, so you skip Potions at the beginning, right?
@George, updated the build, totally forgot about Pots/Key earlier.
Sometimes when using the Deck Builder i forget to put Potions and Keys/Wards xD and realize it after i started a game -.-
@MaverickMC, Great! The other thing I have is this. If I'd think of trying this build out I'd love to see a short summary of its pros and cons. Where such a build excels and where it does suck hard. What situations to avoid and in what circumstances to push hard and keep fighting.
For a life steal it's especially important since you always need to know when you can recover you HP by keep doing DMG and stealing life and when you have no chance to take back your HP by stealing life.
A short gif or youtube video showing some good moments with this build would also be amazing. You can record it right from the Paragon client using replay.
The point of Lifesteal Grux is the amount of sustain u get, ofc u wont do shit against an fed adc that 2 shots you with crits but since building Grux as tank is useseless, Lifesteal on the other hand makes him a real threat. the only really dangerous champions will be Murdock/Twinblast/Grim.exe and a good Kallari. Feng Mao can be difficult if u can't dodge his ulti but even if he hits, u can still win cuz of your amount of Lifesteal.
Its 76 Lifesteal with 2 hits per second, so 150 HP/Sec aslong as u keep hitting something. If u get slowed or knocked out of position u can either try to get to minions and keep healing yourself and wait for charge/grab to be back off CD or run away :P
Rampage/Steel/Muriel/Dekker/Sevarog all those champs that are not really doing high dmg with Autoattacks are fun, u wont even be loosing HP at all on a 1vs1 duel :D
Iggy&scorch turrets wont be an issue either and u can mostly stand still in howitzer ulti if u got minions to hit.
People tend to overextend to kill Grux and they will fail cuz u just heal up faster than most champions can kill you.
Hope this helps to understand that gameplay of Grux.
@MaverickMC, Yep sure. I meant that it would be a good thing to add this info at the bottom of the guide :)
BTW about the "Its 76 Lifesteal with 2 hits per second, so 150 HP/Sec" - I was under an impression that Lifesteal is a percentage of your damage. This this not the case?
Lifesteal is not a % of your dmg, nope. its a fixed amount that applies with each basic attack.
@George ah right, will put it into the guide, thanks, sadly i cant delete the post bout it anymore it seems... ;(
Not sure whether this was made clear or not -- Life Steal is indeed a percentage of the attack damage you do. It also takes Critical Hits into consideration.
The reason my TwinBlast with 40 LS stays alive in late match is because he's critting for 800 damage per hit and getting 320 HP back per hit. Those are example numbers, but they are accurate as far as LS percentage goes.