Abilities Build

Abilities Overview
Death Sentence - Kallari's Ult - Look to manage your cooldown to be ganking low HP or low Mobility lanes when available.
Daggerfall - Ranged DMG - Use for clearing jungle faster in early levels, in fights it can be used to open with a chance for the cooldown to come off to use again. Has a bleed effect that does basically no DMG but can help prevent enemies from gaining travel mode.
Slash - Basic Attack - Nothing special but should be upgraded when available for more DMG.
Evade - Mobility - Can be cast a second time while in the air for the same mana cost. Upgrade to reduce cooldown.
Phase Shift - Invisibility - Currently worst ability due to audio tells, Max last. Cooldown resets on Hero Kill (seems to actually set it on a ~2 sec cooldown)
Abilities upgrade priority
Death Sentence > Daggerfall > Slash > Evade > Phase Shift
Early Game
Farm to level 5 ASAP
Place Harvesters
Look for available Ganks
Rush Your Equipment Upgrade Bonuses with cheap Upgrade Cards
Mid Game
Gank when Ult is available
Farm Harvesters and Jungle Buffs
Stack Physical DMG
Check Enemy builds - If they are stacking Armor invest in Penetration
Late Game
Start Building Attack Speed to Split Push
Pick off Enemy Squishes
Use Jungle Buffs to Split Push
Videos Under Construction
Videos Under Construction
Videos Under Construction
A: -
Wow. That's gonna be video guide?
Thx for the info learned some things :)
ur lacking some serious detail here man. I also don't agree with the attack speed build. U use more cards than you have on here right?