Abilities Build

Hey there,
my name is Freakisch, I mainly play Murdock and wanted to share my playstyle with you guys. All the following informations a based on my own experience, so this will be a guide which evolves over time. At least i hope so.
[I'm not a native english speaker, so fuck every grammar n*zi!]
- Skills & Usability
- Deck
- General Tips
- Murdock Tricks
- Video Guide (for the lazy tl;dr boyz !)
- Murdock vs Whatever Tips (coming next)
1.Skills & Usability
Wikilink: http://paragon-game.com/wiki/heroes/murdock/abilities
Murdock is a Ranger(Carry) based on Energy Damage. You can use Fury & Intellect cards.
Passive: „Murdock has 18 bonus to Max Movement Speed."
→ This is great to get the little extra boost while joining/leaving a fight or just to stay in firing range. Nothing more to say, movement speed is always nice !
Left Click: Basic Attack „Ranged basic attack dealing x Energy Damage“
→ Your Standard Attack, slow but powerful. Always make sure to aim there the enemies WILL BE and NOT there he is right now !
Right Click: Shielding Shot „Blocks x of Damage in front of him for 6 seconds. Confirm with Left MouseButton to deal x Energy damage and Knock Back nearby enemies.“
→ I fucking love this skill ! Jungle wants to cuddle with you, just say no! Feng Mao wanna kiss you, say no! You can even bump them down a edge and shot while they can't do anything. But the best part, YOU CAN PREVENT ULTIMATES ! ByeBye Gideon Ulti ! Fuck Muriel's Escapefly.
Q : Buckshot „Fires a blast in a cone that deals x Energy Damage and reduces Energy Armor by x.“
→ Keep in mind that you need to get close to use this shot. It's nice because it doesn't depend on your normal shot speed. Because of that you should always try to squish it in between to Basic Attacks. If you can safely use it, I recommend to open the fight with it.
E : Static Trap „Place a trap that deals x Energy Damage and applies a 50% Slow for 2 Seconds to the first enemy Hero that walks over it.“
→ First of all, it activates itself a little bit delayed ! Keep that in mind. The rest is self-explanatory, use it to close tight passages and slow down the enemies. Sometimes you might even get a kill from fleeing enemies.
R: Devastating Blast: „Long range blast that can be shot through anything and deals x Energy Damage“
→ Your personal Sniper Shot, deals a fuckton of damage and looks awesome. But needs pre aim. This skill is nice to safe kills but the best part you get in teamfights. Wait for the enemies team to stand in a row and shot. The whole team will take massive damage and all this while your hidden behind a wall or whatever. You don't need to care cause you shot through everything !
Don't stand in the middle of your lane and start aiming, unless you're sure that nobody is near !
2. Deck & my build concepts
This is more or less my standard deck(if i had all the cards). But it gives you a basic feeling what you need: Everything that’s offensive well balanced ! ^^
Start fast with 2-Cost upgrades, it's the best way to start and the maximum of Card Points is 60 anyways. If you're game goes very well, you will have 3 essential cards in no time.
1.Energy damage(a fuckton pls)
2.Crit Chance (aim for 50% - 70%)
3.Crit Damage (it's only 1 item, get it after your first crit chance card!)
4. Attack Speed (as second card it’s much more useful compared to crit chance)
5.Some Penetration (you're good with 1card, if nobody stacks energy armor)
5.Health / Life Drain (keep in mind, you’re supposed to deal heavy dmg not be a tanky guy)
(Life Drain is nice to have :) )
Any Questions? Just post them & I try to answer them properly!
3. General Tips
- FIRST: GET THE FUCKING HARVESTER ! I see people playing the game and don't even collect them one time. If you can always collect the 1 of the to jungle harvester on your side.
- Hide behind minions/allies and keep shooting. You're the ADC and supposed to deal fuckton of damage. Focus on that, but don't go ego-mode! We have to rely on the supports and tanks. If you do so and they do their job jo will deal enough damage to overcome the enemy.
- Never go full retard ! Keep playing with your brain & team, that's the way to succeed. That means: don't chase if it isn't necessary, keep farming as good as you can, make use of your „Shielding Shot“(safe your support as example) and many other things.
- You can jump, use it ! It can be annoying as fuck. Practice to aim while jumping it helps a lot.
- Fast travel is superior to engage and close a gap/root the enemies(if you use it right) therefore it can be your death if you use it wrong. If you get hit in fast travel mode you will be rooted for a few seconds (2-3 ?! something around that). That could be your death, no hp/no armor you don't want that to be happen.
- This game has a collision query(is this the right word ?) if you use it wise you can damage any enemies without even get hit(cause your tank takes the hits). So can the enemies, that's why you need a good balance between offensive and defensive positioning. Jumping often helps to shoot over a tanks shoulder and get the kill !
- Target Priorities
- ADC ?! Easy 2-4 Shot targets in the late game if you do it right, sometimes you nearly oneshot them(my highest crit was 1,3k, he didn't even know what hit him)
- Support
- Jungler (offensive jungle should be prioritized before supports)
- Tank
- Got the OP Buff ? God damn PUSH PLS ( I saw enough people slacking around with that buff)
- Coming up. (if you have a wish tell me and i try to add it here)
4. Murdock Tricks !
How to kill an enemy in 1 Awesome move ?!
Charge him (with fast travel) Basic Attack – Buck Shot – (Shielding Shot if he's too close) – Basic Attack – (maybe a trap) – and kill him
Looks super epic if you're fed ! Trust me !
As said before, shielding shot is superior to stop ultis. It doesn't work always (you need to hit them in the starting animation i guess) so be ready to safe your team ! ^^ It works super to knock someone out of those invisible fields, a few steps to the side will do the rest. You could also push someone into the tower, everything is possible be creative :D.
Make sure you're unseen while aiming your Ultimate ! (You're unable to move at that time). 90 Seconds cooldown means you shouldn't waste it. Use it to safe a kill or better to damage the whole team.
Try to hit as many enemies as possible with your Buck Shot. (Nice to clear a wave hit all 6/7 targets !) it will help other energy classes also as it lowers the energy armor.
You can place up to 4 Traps ( 2 are needed to close the jungle entrance on the most positions), use them. While you're fleeing place a trap that the enemies needs to pass to chase you. If you have to flee put it under you and knock the enemy away he activated it(2second slow 4 the win).
Can't think of more now. Gonna add other things as they get in my mind.
5. Video Guide (for the lazy tl;dr boyz ! :D)
6. Murdock vs Whatever Tips
Coming up next. Need more time & games for this area :). Help me out with some questions maybe in the comments :).
@Freakisch, welcome to paragon-game.com. Pretty nice guide and pretty demanded since mr. Murdock was not well covered so far. At the 1st glance I don't have much of questions (I might have them later though). I have some suggestions instead.
I have helped you with formatting in some parts of the guides and replaced a link to Heroe abilities since we have this page here.
Looking forward for your updates or some new guides once you switch to another hero.
@George, thx for the tips & the help. Wrote it all down in googledocs at first. xD
I will update and improve the guide, promised.
@Freakisch, deal :)
@Freakisch, looks good bro :). Congrats on being in plat. I can't carry hard enough, too many bad people. Hmu ign: xXPayne390Xx
@SmokeyJay, could it be that you're playing in NA ? :D i'm eu
@Freakisch, yeah I'm in NA,
I'll win like 5 in a row then lose 10...people are really bad on ps4