Abilities Build

This is an all-damage TwinBlast build that calculates to 1200+ dps without Q active. The build starts off slow, but if you have a FlashFire Piston, you can tweak it to strengthen the early game.
Abilities Overview
Q - Nitro: This boosts your attack speed for a few seconds. This allows you to build crit earlier to maximize DPS.
E - Grenade!: Decent size AOE that does damage and slows enemies. Mid-late game helps with lane pushing. If you will not be pushing lanes, you can prioritize your RMB instead for better mobility.
RMB - Rocket Dash: Jumps a short distance in the direction you are moving. This is you only mobility to get out of a fight. You can use it to chase as well, but don't go in with it if you can't get back out.
R - Barrage: Your arms become big cannons and you deal a decent amount of damage with a small splash radius. You will not be able to use your other abilities while this is active. Late game your auto attacks will likely outscale your ult in DPS.
Abilities upgrade priority
R > LMB > Q > E > RMB
Early Game
TwinBlast isn't the strongest early game. You need to farm, but you can help gank and fight if you have support. Keep your positioning so you can get away. You're squishy.
You can pressure enemies very hard in lane and under their tower if you can land your auto attacks, but be careful pushing a lane too far when enemies are MIA. Keep wards in the jungle near you so you know when they're coming for you.
Mid Game
Once you start doing some damage, you will be able to help team fights. Keep your distance and lay in the damage with you Q on as often as possible.
Late Game
Late game your damage will be outstanding and you should be able to quickly take down anyone that isn't exceptionally tanky. Kite your opponents with you RMB and E and let them eat the crits.
Card Build
Building two damage cards first will yield a greater DPS than building attack speed or crit first, especially on TwinBlast with you Q providing attack speed. Your Q also allows you to build for crit before attack speed. By your third card is when your damage really begins to ramp up.
Not everyone has every card, so it is worth noting that this build utilizes these cards because they fill out exactly 60 points and were cards that I have and use for it. On your wind carvers that have attack speed, you can swap one kinetic for a second strike of equal points for a negligible difference in DPS.
@MountSwolemore, quick and dirty :)
Since the build does not have any Penetration cards, do you have any info on how this build works against Physical damage resistance? What are the numbers that you see in game?
Might want to spellcheck your guide
@George, it can be worthwhile to keep a penetration card in the deck, but I probably wouldn't build it unless they have multiple tanks. If you feel like you need pen in a match, I'd use it on either the 4th or 6th card in place of one of the windcarvers. Rust-Breaker is what I normally use for physical pen.
its best to stock up on physical or energy dmg cards ?
I think penetration is good cause it will help you against tanky heroes for example sevarog :3
@afrokuma (not verified), Depends on the character. Gideon for example, he does energy damage with basics and abilities. Unlike Twin blast, who uses physical damage on his basic/abilities. So you need to make sure to build the appropriate class. Otherwise your build would be useless.
SmokeyJay :)
What equipment goes with major pierce ? cause i dont see major piece..
@afrokuma Dire Pierce, Sinister Pierce, Concentrated Pierce, Focused Pierce, and Rust Breaker are call equipment cards that can accommodate the major pierce upgrade card.
@Asian_Salvation Dire Pierce, Sinister Pierce, Concentrated Pierce and Focused Pierce are all upgrade cards. @afrokuma use Rust-Breaker for Physical Penetration, and upgrade it with Major Pierce and Pierce.
I noticed the stats for certain items are different from what im looking at. Such as wound, you have it as 8% when on my game its 6%. Major wound is 9% instead of 12%. Assuming this stuff was changed in an update. is this still best dps? great guide btw.
@Faded_Shotts (not verified), Due to the changes in the game, some Builds will need to be reworked. But, from the looks of this build it should do just fine.
@smokeyjay yea been usin it. works well
@MountSwolemore Thanks so much for this build! I'm quite a noob in Paragon but this is the first build I feel very comfortable with.
Yet I have one question:
Wouldn't 'Redeye Nitro' perfectly fit into that build? Or don't you use it because of the missing dmg?
@GagballBill, Agree. The guide was developed at early stages and probably that card was not considered at that period of time.