Cards Sequence:
CDR Kallari Perma Ultimate by TurboMad
Hi guys,
I decide to explored the Cooldown reduction on kallari since his ultimate is completely Rigged.
My build is very simple and available early for anyone.
3 time Chronospike with each 3x Major strike
1 time Pendulum of Lords with the Health upgrades
1 time Traitor's Touch which cost 7 so i quickly upgrade it with low cost Chrono upgrade.
Ans that's it, it's a 5 item build because i love keeping my Health potion jsut in case.
Your ultimate will have a 28 seconde Cooldown which mean you can start and finish a team fight with it. You can use it to push back a lane easily.
And the best part is all your other spells will be greatly reduce so perma knife perma Invis and perma jump.
Very very effective build so far.
Enjoy !
@TurboMad, Hi there. Thanks for sharing this option to build up Kallari but the build alone does not seem convincing. You need details regarding the play-style with this deck.
The build sacrifices damage output for the sake of CDR and Lifesteal. So it does not fit the play-style where Kallari ganks and gets out. Instead the build assumes pretty frequent team-fights where she has to have her Ult and Dagger always ready. It in turn leads to Mana drain but I do not see anything to respond this. No Mana cards. These are two main questions I have and I'd love to see them covered in your build.
I'd also like to see your comments about picking a pretty expensive Traitor's Touch. It assumes Kallari is going to be hit often but again it means some different play-style from being a sneaky dreaded terror bursting quickly and getting back even quicker.