Abilities Build

The goal of this build is to just have a lot of variety in one Greystone jungle build. You should probably only do this in the jungle and really stick to farming in the jungle unless you see and absolute easy gank kill or if a laner really needs the help. Other than that this build's biggest weakness is CC spam or another Greystone with a ton of lifesteal. But overall this build should have you bursting down carries and prolonging fights you might now be winning til reinforcements show up.
Abilities Overview
Right click to engage or escape, your call but remember the cooldown is pretty long even with Berzerker Drive done. Q to clear or just add damage really, it's a pretty simple to use ability that keeps someone out of auto sprint or hits multiple enemies. The passive E "Stoic" is probably the most important ability aside from the ultimate just because of the armor and health provided. It can make a decent enough difference if rushed in the early game to make Twin Blast, Grux, and Khaimera do less than they think they can do to you.
Abilities upgrade priority
E > R > Q > RMB
Early Game
Jungle jungle jungle jungle jungle jungle, gank if you really believe you or the gank recipient will get the kill. Just stack camps grab blue or red or even black if it's not warded and get that CXP level higher.
Mid Game
Start supporting ADCs and invading jungle, their lack of wards is your gain, so make them pay for it. Really start to pay attention to Mid and whichever other lane you're near (whether you chose to jungle blue or red mainly) for ganks or tower chunking.
Late Game
Engage the back line and really take the focus of your carries. If you go down once no biggy, that's your ultimate is for, a nice knock up and 50 to 70% of your health back (life steal makes this hilarious too). Honestly, as long as you keep the pressure off everyone else save for maybe Steel/Rampage/Severog/Riktor you're doing your job just fine. If a tower is really low and you need the push, go ahead and whack on it even if you die, remember, you have a get out of jail free card unless you let Grux pull you back in.
Frequent questions that may appear while playing this build and your answers
Q: What do I do if I'm not tanky enough and get melted?
A: Throw in Brightsteel Plate and Golden Veil instead of Brand and Offensive Maneuvers. If you don't have those, well, scratch Bounty Stalker and figure out how to get that sweet sweet crit while using Tempered and Tuned. -
Q: Why Bounty Stalker?
A: Well, with Blast Harness Windcarver and Berzerker Drive, you're almost at max attack speed and you'll be hitting relatively hard, Bounty stalker takes advantage of that attackspeed while adding health and a bit of damage to really make sure you're critting someone down when you need to be. You'll be hitting to around 311 or maybe upper 200s roughly every half second, which'll put most carries 6-feet under pretty quick and make Rampage think twice about trying to pick you off himself.