Abilities Build

Summary (TLDR)
Hey, I've played this game for maybe 3 hours now. I still am not that good. Regardless, I noticed there were no Howitzer guides here yet, so I decided to show how I personally like playing him.
Abilities Overview
Essentially, I like jumping and hitting people with my Q, because I feel cool. The other abilities supplement that.
Abilities upgrade priority
R > Q > LMB > RMB > E
Abilities Combos
I'm still not quite sure what I'm doing tbh.
Early Game
Mid Game (offensive)
E (knock them towards you), LMB, RMB, LMB, Q -
Mid Game (defensive)
(as they chase) LMB, RMB, LMB, E (make sure the center is between you and your opponent so you get knocked in opposite directions.) -
wumbo cumbo (teamfighting)
R, Q (while falling from R-jump), RMB, LMB, LMB, etc.
Early Game
I try to conserve mana, not using my E or RMB much. Mostly using my Q to chunk minions and poke at the same time. If someone ganks, I use my E to git outta there.
Mid Game
If I'm in a solo lane, I try to push and damage tower with LMB and Q. If I'm not alone, I might chance a gank on an overextended/struggling lane, using my E to knock them into favorable positions and chunking them as fast as possible by unloading my kit.
Late Game
I try to poke with my Q and use my E to peel off tanky fighters that dive on me/allies. When I notice enemies are grouped up or if I feel the need to jump, I'll pop my ult on as many enemies as I can. If my E is up when I've used my ulti, I sometimes try to knock squishies back into the zone if they've escaped so they get hit by that last big missile.
Card Build
I usually just get that card that gives energy damage and health and upgrade it ASAP with 2 energy damage and 1 health upgrade. Then I get the clock thing that gives CDR for its upgrade bonus. After that I kind of just build whatever looks cool. (I can't customize decks because I'm level 4)
I feel like I might run out of mana if I tried this. So I'm not gonna try it.
LMB to farm, try to use Q to poke and hit minions at same time. Pretty standard stuff.
E is pretty good both when ganking or getting ganked. Knocking enemies into tower range when there are few minions left can catch them off guard if you clear the minions quickly with a Q to have the tower hit the enemy. I'm not quite sure about anything else.
Frequent questions that may appear while playing this build and your answers
Q: Why is this build so stupid?
A: A build is only as smart as its creator. -
Q: Which ability has the best damage scaling?
A: Probably his ultimate if I had to guess. I'm not sure how much damage his RMB and E truly do because I just like maxing Q and playing American Sniper. -
Q: Are you a professional?
A: No. And I probably will never be with builds like this. -
Q: Why aren't there any good guides for Howitzer yet? This one is so trash.
A: You tell me.
Hope you enjoyed. Have fun paragon-ers.
"Paragoners" sounds a bit odd. Oh well.
This has to be the greatest guide I have ever read. 10/10 would build. lmfao. Thank you for this.
@Anonymous (not verified), You can register and up-vote the guide when you feel it deserves this.
Best guide ever. 10/10 will use. Please use this guide.