Abilities Build

In this guide I will only be going over the advantages/disadvantages of the CDR build to my current Glass Cannon build. If you want to see a more in-depth guide on Kallari with positioning, how to finish kills, how to use your jump/stealth to position yourself for kills, how to use bottlenecks, and how to take advantage of travel mode check out my previous guide at http://paragon-game.com/build-guides/kallari-glass-cannon-build
This CDR build has some advantages over the Glass Cannon build.
Advantages over Glass Cannon
1. Your damage CDs will all be reduced by 40%(I will go more indepth into this later)
2. Your escapes will be off CD more often allowing you to get away when needed or get yourself into position for kills easier.
3. Jungling is much more efficient with this build, you can use your Ult on blue/red and quickly take them out and have it up again in the next teamfight.
4. You will be a better laner for split pushes if needed. You can use your Ult to take out entire waves at a time and not have to worry as much about not having it for a player when you need it.
Disadvantages of the CRD build compared to Glass Cannon
1. At full build your ult will be hitting for almost 500damage less with this build.
2. It takes longer for you to land big hits on players.
3. Your 1v1 potential is hurt a little bit because you wont be able to two shot carries as easily.
4. Mana becomes an issue at times
Breakdown of the build.
I took screenshots of all abilities at lvl 15 to compare damage to cooldown. The pictures I took of the Glass cannon are not at full build but if you want to see a breakdown of the Glass cannon build's damage check out my video guide at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQHTdtGUduM
Stealth(no CDR)
Stealth (with CDR)
With the CDR build you can stealth 4 seconds earlier than with the Glass Cannon build.
Jump(no CRD)
Jump(with CRD)
With the CDR build you will be able to use your jump 3 seconds earlier.
Dagger Throw (no CDR)
Dagger Throw(with CDR)
With the CRD build the CD on your dagger will be a full 7 seconds shorter, allowing you to do more damage from a distance and finish more kills. You do lose some damage at full build though. With my Glass Cannon build your dagger will be hitting for 800+ at full build, with the CRD the damage is only 571.
Death Sentence(no CDR)
Death Sentence(with CDR)
This is where the build really shines. A full 19 Seconds off of your Death Sentence's CD. You will be losing almost 400 damage compared to the Glass Cannon build but you will be able to use it every 26 seconds vice 45 seconds.
Don't you suffer from lack of mana? As I understand this way you literally need Blue orb all the time.
@George, yeah, you do blow through mana pretty fast with this build. I have added the mana issue into the disadvantages section. Thanks for the feedback :)