Narbash is a melee caster who uses the power of his drums to support his allies. Utilizing different types of utility and a variety of melodies, Narbash inspires his team to march into combat and overtake his enemies.
Focus on buying cards that increase your Mana and Resistances.
Narbash always has a shuffle in his step, so use his rhythm to set tempo of your match. When you need to inspire your team in the heat of battle use the “Song of My People” to grant bonus health regen to nearby allies and yourself.
Narbash’s drumsticks are for more than just keeping the beat, use “Thunk” to stun an enemy, allowing a teammate to move in for the kill.
“March!” will grant movespeed to nearby allies, allowing you and your comrades to charge into battle!
And finally your ultimate “Crash Bang Boom!” will allow you to drop the bass on your opponents. Narbash will deal continuous damage around him slowing enemies and ending with a colossal knockup.
When playing Narbash be ready to lead your team into glorious combat. Use March! to overtake enemies or to make a quick escape. Save Thunk to interrupt key enemy ultimates or to stun an incoming threat. And when you’re ready to stop the show, lay down the beat with Crash Bang Boom! to disrupt teamfights.
Coming soon
Narbash’s Strengths
- Very versatile battlefield control Hero packed with team buff and enemy disruption abilities.
Narbash’s Weaknesses
- Limited escape abilities.
- Requires constant control of his Mana pool.
- Dependent on teamplay.
Wallop (Basic Attack)
Melee basic attack dealing Basic Damage.
- Base damage is 70 and increases by 2 each Hero level up to 98 at level 15.
- Attack Speed remains constant on all Hero levels
- Ability Card scaling factor is 30%.
Thunk (Alternate Ability)
Throw a drumstick that deals Ability Damage and stuns enemies for a short period of time.
- Base damage is 85 and increases by 45 each ability level up to 220 at level 4.
- Base stun effect is 0.9 seconds and increases by 0.2 each ability level up to 1.5 seconds at level 4.
- Cooldown remains constant 12 seconds at all ability levels.
- Base cost is 90 Mana and increases by 15 each ability level up to 135 Mana at level 4.
- Ability Card scaling factor is 100%.
Similar to Dekker’s Stasis Bomb and with pretty the same utility (but much easier to aim). Use it to stun and “prepare” an enemy Hero for a meltdown or to interrupt ultimate abilities (say hello to Gideon and his Black Hole).
Think requires confirmation with your basic attack button and can be cancelled.
As always with abilities that require confirmation it is visible to your enemy when you are ready to Thunk. So make sure you are either doing it quickly or sneakily. Or you might be willing just to pretend making your opponent to back off a little.
BTW don’t worry that Narbash throws his drumstick away. It’s magic. After a moment it appears in his hand again and ready to rock.
Thunk is the ability you might be willing to upgrade with the highest priority (except your ultimate of course). This is because of Stun duration increasing with each ability level up. In addition to Stun it deal good amount of damage. However it does not make Narbash a good damage dealer anyway.
Use Thunk to lock an enemy down and close the gap to body-block for your teammates or to rock the floor with Crash Bang Boom! Alternatively save you might be willing to save it to ensure an escape for your ally or in order to disrupt impacting Ultimates.
March! (Primary Ability)
Grants Narbash and nearby allies some Movement Speed buff for 2.5 seconds. Movement Speed buff decays over its duration.
- Base Movement Speed buff is 125 and increases by 25 each ability level up to 200 at level 4.
- Base cooldown is 24 seconds and decreases by 4 each ability level down to 12 seconds at level 4.
- Cost remains constant 75 Mana at all ability levels.
Works on allied minions as well. Good for initiating an fight, making an escape easier or to intensify pressure to a tower by minion wave.
Song of My People (Secondary Ability)
Toggle: Aura that grants Health Regen. Uses Mana every second while active.
General rule is that Mana cost is very close Health regen. On level 1 of the ability it gives 10 HP Regen and costs 11 Mana per second. Level 4 this effect is just 4 times faster (both HP regen and Mana consumption).
Song of My People heals not only allied Heroes but also allied minions.
Every toggle of this ability has a 2 seconds cooldown.
Extremely useful tool while performing a siege or during long lasting fights where there is more poge damage rather than an actual commitment and focus-fire. Song of My People will help you to keep your team in a good shape while opponents are keep collecting poke damage.
Crash Bang Boom! (Ultimate Ability)
A deafening ruckus AOE that knocks up enemies and applies Slow. Deals Ability Damage over 3s.
- Base damage is 280 and increases by 110 each ability level up to 500 at level 3.
- Slow effect remains constant 500 at all ability levels.
- Base cooldown is 100 seconds and decreases by 15 each ability level down to 70 seconds at level 3.
- Base cost is 100 Mana and increases by 25 each ability level up to 150 Mana at level 3.
- Ability Card scaling factor is 120%.
Leveling up the Ultimate will increase only damage and reduce cooldown. Slow amount is not going to change.
Knockup happens at the very end of the Crash Bang Boom! ultimate and is identical to what happens when Steel lands his Shield Slam.
Narbash can move while executing his ultimate. Make sure to position yourself appropriately to ensure good knockup in the end and avoid any stun from enemy.
Obviously any CC will stun you and disrupt the ultimate prior to the knockup.
Narbash is very hungry to mana if using Song of My People often so you need either to limit use of that ability or support it with building bigger Mana pool.
Narbash has no escape abilities other than March! that can be used as Iggy & Scorch’s Oil Slick to run away. If you plan to be in the middle of team-fights then you need to consider defensive cards (see below)
Narbash is weak in solo laning. The Jungle is not an option as well. Therefore you don’t need any tokens early game and can focus on cards supporting your teammate laning with you.
Core Cards for Narbash
Offensive Maneuvers – provides pretty good level of defense from basic attacks that can be used during early game.
Spiked Boneplate & Thorned Greenweave – defense cards with damage
Tempered Plate & Tuned Barrier – for defensive builds without damage
Overflowing Gifts – The Song of My People but without Mana drain
Lord’s Ward – You need a ward? You need CDR, HP and Mana pools. Here is your Lord’s Ward.
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Starter Hand
Mender’s Phial & Shepard’s Phial & Scot’s Ward
Build Order
+ Honor the Pure
+ Guard Token
+ Tempered Plate
‒ Shepard’s Phial
+ Pendulum of Lords ←
Basic Chrono
Basic Chrono
Basic Chrono
Tempered Plate ←
Minor Guard
Lesser Health
‒ Mender’s Phial
+ Pendulum of Lords ←
‒ Guard Token
+ Healer Token
‒ Healer Token
+ Tempered Plate ←
Lesser Health
Lesser Health
‒ Scout’s Ward
+ Lord’s Ward ← Greater Health
Coming soon.
Final hand
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | |
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Starter Hand
Shepard’s Phial
Health Potion
Health Token
Prolong your own and your teammate laning.
Early Pick
Circlet of Health ← Basic Mana
Basic Mana
Basic Mana
Increase your mana pool while increasing your AoE Heal with Circlet of Health that can be combined with Song of My People.
Honor the Pure
Obviously shield your allies while keeping them healed with Circlet of Health.
Final hand
Honor the Pure ← Mana
Circlet of Health ← Basic Mana
Basic Mana
Basic Mana
Pendulum of Lords ←
Basic Chrono
Lord’s Ward ← Advanced Chrono Advanced Chrono Advanced Chrono
Tuned Barrier ← Divine Health Beta Barrier Beta Barrier
Tempered Plate ← Divine Health
Beta Guard
Beta Guard
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Starter Hand
Health Potion
Health Token
Guard Token
Final hand
Lord’s Ward ← Advanced Mana Mana
Basic Mana
Tuned Barrier ← Beta Barrier Beta Barrier Beta Barrier
Tempered Plate ←
Greater Guard
Greater Guard
Greater Guard
Tuned Barrier ←
Lesser Health
Lesser Health
Minor Barrier
Tempered Plate ←
Minor Guard
Greater Health
Amulet of the Veteran ←
Greater Health
Greater Health
Greater Health
Early Game
Early game playing Narbash is laning with a teammate. This green drummer is not a jungler and neither he is a solo laner so you need to grab some supporting cards for your mana pool and make sure your ally is able to land as many last-hits as possible. Use Thunk and March! defensively to prevent enemies from ganking you.
Once again, Narbash is unable to clear waves and therefore (especially early game) he has to pick an ally to lane together. Failure in early laning will result in an increasing CXP gap that will render Narbash useless in late game.
When possible try to deny last-hits (see details here) and any early aggression to your ally with your Thunk.
Mid Game
Keep supporting your laning teammate and be ready to join a teamfight. Since you are a support with AOE heal and speed buff you should not be missing any big brawl.
Use your ultimate when there is enough focus fire to secure a kill and where most of CC abilities are on CD for your opponents.
During Mid game you may actually do some solo laning but that’s not your main objective.
Try to balance between being far from the front line and being close to your teammates to quickly support them with Song of My People, Thunk and March!
Late Game
Pretty similar to the mid game. With bigger mana pool you may consider occasionally appear on the front line tanking some damage and threatening your enemy with Thunk ready to go (Similar to what Riktor does showing his Riplash about to strike).
Tips and Tricks with Narbash
- Use March! on allied minions while siedging a tower. This way they will reach it faster and deal more damage until killed one by one.
Narbash is pretty good with ADCs especially early game. He helps them lane and they helps Narbash earn CXP. He may combo well with Heroes with strong AOE abilities:
- Tesla Dome of Gadget can do a lot of damage if Narbash will keep enemies inside with his Crash Bang Boom!
- Crash Bang Boom! followed by Steel’s Shield Slam will keep enemy helpless for a significant amount of time allowing ADCs do their job.